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Colon cancer – the silent threat

Around 70,000 people are diagnosed with colon cancer every year in US. This is makes it the third most common cancer after breast and prostate cancer. What makes it so particularly dangerous: it has no symptoms in its early stages and is often only discovered when the disease is already well advanced. This cancer is often curable if it is detected early enough.Colon cancer

Colon cancer is called a malignant tumor in the colon or the rectum both tumor types are summarized under the term Colorectal cancer. However in the small intestine tumors occur very rarely. The development of colon cancer is now extremely well researched. It’s usually starts from an initially benign lesion of the intestinal mucosa, called polyps. Because of repeated gene changes (mutations) cancer cells form that proliferate uncontrollably. Does it eventually lead to symptoms such as abdominal pain or blood in the stool, the disease is often already well advanced.

Simple and safe method of early detection.

The precursors of colorectal cancer can be detected with using of colonoscopy. With our modern video endoscopes, we can not only recognize the first benign growths such as polyps or adenomas, they remove in one step root of the problem and the patient is spared from future operations. The key word, colonoscopy has a negative connotation, while the examination is completely painless and takes only 30 minutes for many patients. Who still has fear, can get a short-term anesthesia and overslept the investigation. If a tumor was found discuss this problem with experts from various disciplines of cancer. Gastroenterologists, oncologists, radiologists, pathologists and surgeons work for each patient a individually and could give recommendation for further diagnostics and therapy.

Healthy diet is the best prevention.

An important role in the risk of colorectal cancer plays the family history. Ask in your family did they aware about cancer case in your family. In about one third patients whos got cancer have relatives with cancer like parents, grandparents or siblings. For these patients, early diagnosis is particularly important. “Also at increased risk are people who suffer from inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

Undeniably, the role of your diet in the development of colorectal cancer is important. The intestine is a key to our immune system. Food with fat or too little vitamin content and high in fiber, can bring for us not only digestive problems, but also weaken the immune system of the intestine.

The gut needs plant fibers to bind and excrete pollutants quickly. Here not recommended especially whole grains are like cereal, wholemeal bread or brown rice. Fruits and vegetables contain not only plenty of valuable dietary fiber, but also essential vitamins and minerals.

In addition, cell-protecting substances are found in all types of cabbage, tomatoes, onions, berries or citrus fruit. In fats and oils, it is an absolute must to pay attention to the quality. Cold-pressed vegetable oils contain unsaturated fatty acids and a lot of, for example, vitamin E. The omega-3 fatty acids from oily fish protect your intestines. These are also contained in rapeseed, walnut or linseed oil.“ You should more often refrain from meat, since it contains a lot of animal fat in the saturated form. Instead, include fish and eggs from two to three times a week , and dairy products to the food plan. And basically, add foods that are less processed and free from additives and chemicals. Even drinking one should not be forgot. From one and a half to two liters of fluid per day needs your intestines to stay healthy. If you integrate sport and physical activity into your daily routine, then you have already done a lot in the prevention of colon cancer!

Malnutrition is more common than you think.

Although in western industrial nations being overweight is a major problem – there are also many people who are malnourished. Older people and those who suffer from chronic diseases are especially frequently affected. This is partly because these patients eat too little. But a one-sided diet leads to deficiency of certain food constituents.

In every fourth patient now being detected such a shortage with nutrients. These patients often suffer from complications such as pneumonia, wound healing disorders, thrombosis or bedsores. They must be treated more often in intensive care and extend hospital stay. Subsequently individual diet plans of high calorie food and extra drinking food are put together with vitamins and trace elements. In this way, with a very simple test many patients are spared from a long hospital and unnecessary complications.