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Heart weeks 2015: Focus of cardiac arrhythmias

During the held Heart weeks 2015 the US Heart Foundation are taught in numerous seminars and lectures find out the most important organ: the heart. This year the focus is on the topic of cardiac arrhythmias, especially atrial fibrillation.

Healthy heart The human heart has to do hard labor quasi: Approximately 100,000 strokes daily is necessary to circulate about 1,500 times in the cycle which is about five liters of blood and to supply organs, cells and tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Usually it works completely unnoticed, but gets the heart occasionally missing a beat – we take this as palpitations, -stolpern or uncomfortable pauses true. Occasional irregularities are perfectly normal and therefore not necessarily a sign of a disease requiring treatment. Join cardiac arrhythmias, however, often or for a longer period of time, the cause must be investigated by a doctor. When the heart beats less than 60 times a minute longer term, there is a so-called bradycardic heart rhythm disorder. Increases the heart rate, however, more than 100 beats/minute, this is called tachycardia.

Endemic disease atrial fibrillation.

One of the most common cardiac arrhythmia is atrial fibrillation, from an average of 1.5 to two percent of the population are affected. Typical symptoms are accelerated, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, fatigue, and in some cases, pain in the heart area. Fear and anxiety feelings can be adjusted. Sometimes Affected note, however, nothing of the disease – in particular to their beginning. During the first atrial fibrillation occurs only occasionally, it may take a chronic course and then stop for several hours. Possible causes are next to an old age, inter alia, high blood pressure, heart failure or diabetes. Also, an overactive thyroid gland, as well as excessive alcohol consumption are among the triggers. Atrial fibrillation is visible in the ECG; for detailed diagnostics come cardiac catheterization, ultrasound and laboratory tests used.

Treat atrial fibrillation.

Although the disease itself is not life threatening, but can their consequences be serious. If left untreated, atrial fibrillation have a stroke result In fact, go about 15 percent of all strokes in this arrhythmia back. In the early stage of the disease can be successfully depending on the underlying cause or the extent of the complaints are dealt with arrhythmic, an electrical cardioversion (electric shock) or catheter ablation (obliteration of unnecessary excitement areas at heart). If necessary, a pacemaker is implanted. The risk of blood clots minimize patient usually by taking blood-thinning medications.

In order to prevent atrial fibrillation, but also other cardiac arrhythmias, should initially favoring diseases such as high blood pressure or diabetes treated in time. In relation to the lifestyle following measures are recommended:

  • Regular exercise
  • Balanced diet, just the electrolytes should be present in a balanced ratio
  • Avoid overweight
  • Avoiding smoking
  • Alcohol in moderation

Also, the avoidance of excessive stress has a positive effect on heart health from: Who’s left through life, the heart device is not as fast a beat.