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Help of Sport with ADHD?

Children with ADHD do not always can get help with medication treatment. A recent study shows that, among others, sport can help to alleviate the symptoms and to increase the concentration of those affected.

ADHDA recent study shows that, among others, sport can help to alleviate the symptoms and to increase the concentration of those affected. But what certainly makes sense in some cases, can’t be the best way for all children. Because psychotropic drugs can have serious side effects, we often can find other ways to meet the specific needs of hyperactive children. One way to deal with it may be sports. Then several studies have referenced on this way of treating.

Motor skills and cognitive skills are associated.

In children with ADHD often observed symptoms, such as inattention, impulsivity, hyperactivity and problems in the motor skills and cognitive area in addition to the main symptoms. Researchers had already been noted in past studies that motor skills and cognitive skills are closely linked. Scientists wanted to find out how these two areas are related and whether special exercise programs can help children with ADHD symptoms.

The study take involved 43 children aged seven to twelve years; all had been diagnosed with ADHD. The children were divided into three groups. Participants in the first group participated in an exercise program that mainly contained exercises developing dexterity and trained for example the balance. The second group completed a sports program to train without specific skills. The children of the third group participated in any exercise program.

Exercise helps – no matter what.

The scientists found significant improvements in cognitive function in all children who attend one of the sports programs. The scientists conclude that physical activity can contribute to an improvement of attention and memory performance of children with ADHD – namely no matter what kind of sport is. According to the researchers Sport should always be taken into account in a diagnosis of ADHD as a support – either as a supplement or even as a substitute for drug therapy.