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Reasons for early retirement

More and more people have to make early retirement due to mental illness. In many cases this could be the prevented by appropriate preventive and rehabilitation measures.

Early retirementMental illnesses are at the top of the reasons for health-related early retirement for many years; first by a wide margin followed the physical illnesses like musculoskeletal disorders. The requested of early retirement because of mental illness markedly has increased in recent years. Every other early retirement is now happen due to mental illness. On average, affected persons are just 49 years old.

Mentally-related early retirement are often preventable.

This mentally-related early retirement can often be avoided. In opinion of specialists, there is a lack of medical institutions among others for mentally ill persons. On average, victims in US waiting for three months for an appointment to a psychotherapist. Thus many of them are become so unmotivated that they gave up with their search for a treatment – sometimes with dramatic consequences. Another one proven fact: Just one in three mentally ill in US receives a treatment.

Besides the lack of treatment places also criticized that fact that in this country are too little rehabilitation services for patients with mental illness. They are necessary in order to facilitate the return to work those affected. “Mental illness too often lead to disability and poverty,” says researcher. A disability pension is an average of approximately 600 dollars.

Strengthen of prevention services.

According to experts, a third important pillar in order to reduce the number of early retirees due to mental illness is, the expansion of prevention services. The Employer Associations of America indicates that “work always has a positive impact on the health and personal development of individuals.” But rigid organizational structures, time pressure, intimidation or the incompatibility of work and family life are often lead to overwork and stress, which in turn contribute to the development of mental illness.

To prevent such stress factors, many employers have expanded their workplace and compose health promotion program in recent years. But comprehensive approaches are still missing.