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The best remedies from the pharmacy for beautiful fingernails

Posted by on Nov 5, 2015 in Beauty | 0 comments

Well-kept nails need to be a pipe dream. Anyone who keeps his nails with the right products and regularly can be sure that they look not only powerful, but also evenly. The necessary preparations for it are available in the pharmacy. Hands and nails are exposed to in everyday life for almost all people large loads. Wind and Weather sit with them, several times a day they come in contact with soap and dirt. All this leaves traces that can significantly reduce but with proper care. Important here is the regular care and handle to appropriate care products. How does the skin react fingernails on cleaner and cleaner. Frequently, however, the consequences are not fairly visible. In the long term, the nails can become dry and brittle. This shows the importance of proactive maintenance. Proper cleaning for stressed nails....

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Help of the mitochondrial medicine in asthma?

Posted by on Nov 3, 2015 in Health | 0 comments

In US is estimated approximately eight million people suffer from asthma. Now we hope on remedy of mitochondrial medicine, which does not suppress symptoms with medication, but eliminated from the causes of the disease. Role of mitochondrial cells. Mitochondria are cellular organelles, ie small particles in the cells, which have the task to supply the cell with energy. Therefore, they are often called as “power plants of the cells”. Work of the mitochondria, however, can be disturbed by various factors. For example, environmental toxins, such as industrial and car exhaust, tobacco smoke, but also by other substances, such as cleaning agents, colors, flavors and preservatives, drugs and more. The impact of toxins on the development of asthma. Although the human body is basically set up for dealing with toxins, but too much of these substances can overwhelm the body....

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What to do with piercings in winter?

Posted by on Nov 1, 2015 in Beauty | 0 comments

Piercings metal are very popular. Most makers know that they need to pay attention to the pierced skin. Only when wearing piercings at cryogenic temperatures often leads to misunderstandings. At worst, then threaten frostbite. Approximately 5.3 million Americans wear piercings. Women especially appreciate the jewels that are pierced through the skin. Even the piercing itself, however, problems are not uncommon. Almost 30% of all piercings heal after harvesting from not without problems and later it can lead to infection or other changes and diseases of the skin. Triggers can e.g. Stimuli, such as its temperature changes. Therefore, particular risks in winter, when the piercing is allowed to cool down to the temperature outside. Those who are well informed and can avoid this and take the piercing than what it is, a piece of jewelry. Why can piercings in winter cause...

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