Threatened in the spring of the bladder?
It is estimated that one in two women will suffer at least once in your life to a bladder infection. The risk that there is a repetition, also is large. This must not be. A few precautionary measures can help prevent the painful disease. The bladder infection (cystitis) is an infection of the urinary tract, which is triggered in most cases by bacteria. Other possible causes are viruses or fungi, parasites occur during rare. Since the urethra in women is quite short, they are particularly vulnerable. This does not mean that men can not become ill. When the exciting irritate the bladder wall, causing the following symptoms: Strong urge to urinate, but little urine output Painful urination Fatigue, malaise Abdominal cramps Discolored urine Fever It is important to take any serious bladder infection. Protect it from chronic course, women...
Read MoreAllergic asthma and hay fever
Why the immune system “overreacts” more and more people in the form of allergies, is attributed to various causes. By far the most common allergy reactions and symptoms are hay fever, allergic asthma, followed by eczema with allergic dermatitis. Allergic asthma and hay fever often occur in parallel, especially in the spring for pollen season. Asthma is dependent to about 80% allergy and goes in only 20% of all cases back to other causes. Asthma is encountered hereditary and therefore frequently part in certain families. Join the asthma attacks primarily on the hay fever season, when the spring fly the pollen is clear narrow down the cause. Other causes may be animal allergens, mold spores, dust mites and dust. Because the allergens but to irritate the airways deep into the bronchi and cause inflammation, other factors such as infections,...
Read MoreHelp of the mitochondrial medicine in asthma?
In US is estimated approximately eight million people suffer from asthma. Now we hope on remedy of mitochondrial medicine, which does not suppress symptoms with medication, but eliminated from the causes of the disease. Role of mitochondrial cells. Mitochondria are cellular organelles, ie small particles in the cells, which have the task to supply the cell with energy. Therefore, they are often called as “power plants of the cells”. Work of the mitochondria, however, can be disturbed by various factors. For example, environmental toxins, such as industrial and car exhaust, tobacco smoke, but also by other substances, such as cleaning agents, colors, flavors and preservatives, drugs and more. The impact of toxins on the development of asthma. Although the human body is basically set up for dealing with toxins, but too much of these substances can overwhelm the body....
Read MoreCan stress cause a stroke?
More and more studies show that permanent stress has the fatal impact of on the human body. A recent study now indicates an association between psychosocial stress and strokes. Especially the elderly are at risk group. How much durable stress harms the body, proves a recent study by American researchers. Thus, psychosocial stress is particularly dangerous for the elderly. Although it was not clearly demonstrated in this study that older people who suffer from stress more frequently suffer from stroke. However, a clear link between the risk of death and stress already showed. As part of the “Chicago Health and Ageing Project” could be shown that amount of people who can die from stroke, annually increase over 65 people and all it because of higher stress. Stress significantly increases the risk of death from stroke. For the study, scientists...
Read MoreLong-term help for dry lips
Especially in the cold season, many people are struggling with dry and chapped lips. The reasons are as varied as the solutions offered by the cosmetics industry. What really helps, is already to be found in most kitchen shelves. The most common cause of dry lips is simply dehydrated. Our body needs from two to three liters of fluid per day, which makes a lack of moisture noticeable on mucous membranes. Equally, for this leads a lack of vitamin B2 and the trace element iron brittle. Furthermore, air heating, air conditioning, wind and cold can dry out the sensitive and largely unprotected lips. Rapid access to one of the many lip care products provides short-term relief, but should not become a habit. Lip care without addictive. In fact, quality lipsticks and lip gloss are often better suited for lip...
Read MoreHelp of oxygen therapy with Hepatitis C?
New study by American researchers showed that an oxygen-ozone mixture can reduce the symptoms of chronic hepatitis C. More than 25 percent of patients after the therapy even break free from virus of hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is an inflammation of the liver, which is transmitted by blood or blood products, rarely through sexual intercourse. In addition to chronic alcohol abuse, Hepatitis C is the second most common cause of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Acute hepatitis C can be treated with combination of therapy with ribavirin, which blocks the replication of hepatitis C virus, and interferon alpha. New stage in treatment of Hepatitis C. Another option in treating hepatitis C presents new studies that have shown that is a oxygen therapy can be effective. For a long time, the bactericidal, antiviral and fungicidal action of gaseous ozone-oxygen mixtures...
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