How Zinc can help against colds?
When you sick by colds, taking of zinc is often recommended. Researchers from the Cochrane Collaboration have now published the studies about taking zinc for colds spotted with positive results. Treating with Zinc against simple colds is still not in medical competence. Drugs may relieve the symptoms, but not shorten the duration of illness. A but again and again at the first signs of cold we read recommendation to take the zinc. But Zinc should reduce the duration of colds. Now researchers from the Cochrane Collaboration checked this information. The scientists have available data about zinc intake for colds and again essentially confirmed the results of the last analysis. Accordingly with this results, zinc, taken in time, shorten the duration of a cold. For the analysis were taken into account only placebo-controlled double-blind studies. The zinc was filed in...
Read MoreCan you outrun the stroke?
Numerous studies have shown that regular exercise can protect against heart attacks, strokes and dementia – particularly in the elderly. Now a US study has investigated how much and what type of physical activity most benefit. The researchers want to know the extent which physical activity can reduce the risk of stroke, especially in old age. They found that it matters less on the speed, but more on the duration of the movement. So in the current study were found that walking between one and two hours per day reduces the risk of stroke in the elderly by almost a third. The team of scientists from University investigated over a period of eleven years, 3500 subjects who were old at the start of the study between 60 and 80 years, and until then did not have cardiovascular disease. Participants...
Read MoreWorld No Tobacco Day 2015: cessation is trendy
Since 1987, every year on May 31 World No Tobacco Day, organized by the World Health Organization in cooperation with the American Cancer Aid and the Coalition for non-smoking. Despite the success of anti-smoking campaigns of recent years still smokes about a third of all Americans over 15 years, equivalent to 20 million people. Confirm annually about five million dead: Smoking as well as passive smoking make you sick. In America currently fall 8% of the total population in the high-risk category of heavy smokers who consume 20 cigarettes a day and more. The World No Tobacco Day, initiated by WHO, is mainly used for reconnaissance and as a counter-propaganda. Smoking bans in public and massive information on the harmful effects of smoking make long since a positive impact. Especially in the age group 12-25, the smoking rate declined...
Read MoreCan health food improve vision?
Many people suffer from deterioration of eyesight. Now researchers have found that a specific diet that contains high doses of lutein, zeaxanthin and omega-3 fatty acid, can improve vision. In US, about 4.5 million people suffer from age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Trigger for the disease of the retina is changes in the blood vessels. AMD can severely limit the daily lives of those people who suffer from such disorders. It becomes increasingly difficult to reading or watching TV or even make this actions impossible. AMD is – not only an age-related disease, but may also depending by the lifestyle – in particular through the eating habits. therefore researchers at the Department of Ophthalmology at the University Hospital in Leipzig have examined what nutrients can improve the metabolic processes in the eye. Dietary supplements can stop age-related macular degeneration. At...
Read MoreCan music protect the heart ?
Pleasant music has a positive effect not only on our mental health, but also can improve heart function. This is a study that was presented at the last Congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in Amsterdam. With beautiful music we get a “warm feeling” almost literally. As American researchers recently reported, pleasant music can improve vascular function in patients with coronary artery disease. You can get even better results if you combine pleasant music with special exercises. “In the case of cardiovascular disease was lost the to functionality of endothelium, which is the inner wall of blood vessels” explained one of the study authors. Endothelium of the vessels plays an important role in the formation of nitric oxide (NO). Today the improvement of endothelial function is an most important goal of therapy in coronary patients.” Therefore the...
Read MoreThe Day of Organ Donation
For the past 31 years, he is held annually, always on the first Saturday in June, instead of: the date of donation. The aim of this day of action is to raise awareness of the issue and reduce tension. America with about 10,000 seriously ill people for an organ that could save their lives. Only 8,000 patients need a kidney; the average waiting time is more than six to eight years. For too long: Countless organ recipients succumb in the meantime their disease. This lack of donor organs already exists, since it is possible to carry out transplantation. According to a survey conducted by the for Health Education, the half of the citizens feel adequately informed to make a personal decision for or against organ donation can. Scandals – for example in the form that physicians falsify the records...
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