How help nasal showers in case of chronic sinusitis?
In case of chronic sinusitis the nasal showers with salt water is a sensible addition to the symptomatic therapy. This is confirmed by experts. The effect of the salt water shower (SNI saline nasal irrigation) on acute and chronic sinusitis (rhinosinusitis) was investigated in numerous studies. The results, however, were partly contradictory. Now the otolaryngologists have reviewed the international literature on the subject and published their results. According to doctors, the use of the nasal shower, especially in chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is worthwhile. Application of nose showers with hypertonic buffered solutions lead to a symptomatic improvement, as the doctors write. Moreover, all societies agreed on that the SNI is “a useful complement” in the symptomatic treatment of chronic sinusitis. In acute rhinosinusitis, perhaps reduced efficiency of nasal irrigation. Nasal showers is improve the symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis. Effectiveness of...
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Three rules of life can significantly reduce the risk of stroke. The findings of a recent study that was published in the journal STROKE. Normalization of blood pressure reduces the likelihood of stroke. For optimum protection against cardiovascular disease, there are seven rules of life, which has put together under the slogan Life’s Simple 7 from the American Heart Association. Here are the rules: Prevention of hypertension Normalization of blood glucose levels Renunciation from tobacco consumption Good cholesterol level Avoiding of obesity Physical activity Healthy eating. A recent study has now shown that suffice to adhere three of these rules to reduce the risk of stroke significantly. In particular, good blood pressure can significantly reduce the risk, as stated in a joint press release of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN). Optimal blood pressure reduce the risk of stroke...
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Vitamin D is important for many bodily functions. In US, however, many people have a vitamin D deficiency. Now researchers have shown that this may contribute to the spread of hepatitis B virus in the liver. Vitamin D supports the immune system, and is already occupied by a number of studies. Now researchers have found that Vitamin D plays a role in the development of a hepatitis B disease. They showed that in patients who suffered from hepatitis B, the number of viruses in the blood was higher, the contents of vitamin D levels. For the study, the research team choose 203 patients with chronic hepatitis B who had received no treatment for their infection. In this case, the vitamin D serum concentration (25-hydroxyvitamin D) was measured at the patient. It turned out that 37 percent of patients has...
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On average, each child suffers once or twice a year from diarrhea and vomiting. This can even be continued as part of a gastrointestinal flu. But acupressure or acupuncture can counteract at vomiting. Acupuncture or acupressure is a healing method of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The acupuncture point is treat nausea and vomiting and it called pericardium 6 (P6) and Neiguan. Already, several studies have shown that stimulation of the pericardium 6-point in children can prevent nausea and vomiting after general anesthesia. However, no data yet for the treatment of infantile vomiting and about it’s existence as part of a gastrointestinal flu (gastroenteritis). But a study by researchers shows that acupuncture in children can stop the vomiting effectively and even replace the use of drugs. Children responds well to the influence of acupuncture. For the study, acupuncture was tested...
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A new study by American researchers showed that an oxygen-ozone mixture can reduce the symptoms of chronic hepatitis C. More than 25 percent of patients were on free therapy of hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis C is an inflammation of the liver that is transmitted primarily through blood or blood products, less often through sexual intercourse. In addition to chronic alcohol abuse Hepatitis C is the second most common cause of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Acute hepatitis C can be treated with several months of combination therapy with ribavirin and interferon alpha, which blocks the replication of hepatitis C virus. New studies presents another option in treating of Hepatitis C and that is a therapy with pure oxygen. Already for a long time in medicine known antiviral and fungicidal action of gaseous ozone-oxygen mixtures. A new study has now...
Read MoreHow nasal irrigation help with sinusitis?
In chronic sinusitis nasal irrigation with saltwater it’s a sensible addition to the symptomatic therapy. This is confirmed by experts. The effect of the salt water shower (SNI saline nasal irrigation) on acute and chronic sinusitis (rhinosinusitis) was investigated in numerous studies. The results, however, were partly contradictory. Now the otolaryngologists have reviewed the international literature on the subject and published their results. According to doctors, the use of the nasal irrigation especially in chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is worthwhile. In addition, all professional associations agreed that the SNI is “a useful complement” in the symptomatic treatment of chronic sinusitis. In acute rhinosinusitis, however possibly limits the efficacy of nasal irrigation. Improve chronic rhinosinusitis symptoms with nasal irrigation. According the view of researchers in the nasal irrigation important not only the correct amount of procedure but also the proper technique....
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