The best protection for the skin in cold weather
The skin needs not only to support heat. Even cold can harm her. The skin dries out and becomes cracked. At worst, even threatening infections. Cold protection for the skin should be elementary and see the cold season in the outdoors into account. Cold air is stress for the skin. The facial skin is particularly vulnerable, but also on the hands is the contact with freezing outside not unscathed. Particularly strong is the load when the constant change between the cold outside air, icy winds and overheated rooms added. Reason is the loss of moisture, which can first appear the skin dry and finally parchments. Finally, it can be painful tear. Poorly healing wounds are the result. One reason is that the strong variations in skin temperature also remove moisture. This makes them more vulnerable and slows their ability...
Read MoreHow much overweight harm children’s health?
The health effects of obesity in children are greater than previously thought. This shows a recent study by American scientists. The research team led by Claire Friedemann examined in a comprehensive study, how the overweight in children affects on the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They analyze 63 studies with a total amount of children 49 220 in the aged from 5 to 15 years old. The researchers found, that overweight children have an increased by 30 to 40 percent risk of suffering from stroke or heart disease in adulthood. But not only in adulthood the consequences of infant obesity appear. The results of the study mainly alarmingly, because it showed that developed worrisome in childhood pathological affect on changes in the cardiovascular system. Obese children (with BMI between 25 and 30) had a significantly higher blood pressure and cholesterol...
Read MoreHeat treat muscle pain effectively
For centuries, the positive effect of heat for the treatment of spasms and pain caused thereby is known. This heat can ease the pain in proper indications and proper use in three ways. The various forms of heat therapy are tested for many years. They have proven themselves both for the treatment of non-inflammatory diseases as well as to alleviate painful tension and cramps to colicky cramps, chronic joint and spinal problems as well as problems in the area of ligaments and tendons. But chronic inflammation such as sinus infections are among the fields of application of heat therapy. In acute inflammation and febrile processes other hand, prohibits the use of heat. For here, for example, result in appendicitis life-threatening complications heat. To avoid side effects or complications, type, duration and temperature of the application should therefore be discussed...
Read MoreCan Yoga reestablish the balance after a stroke?
Yoga strengthens the physical balance in healthy people. Whether patients after a stroke take benefit from the exercises? Now researchers from Indianapolis investigate this question. The body positions during Yoga practice strengthens the physical balance. Arlene Schmidt of the University of Indiana in Indianapolis wanted to find out, whether stroke patients, who have problems with the sense of balance, take benefit from yoga exercises. The workouts were conducted by a trained yoga therapist, who shows postures on the respective possibilities of patients and slowly increased temp of training. 37 patients with stroke trained in this way twice a week with Yoga figures, relaxation and meditation. The control group consisted of ten patients who had also suffered from stroke, but doesn’t performed yoga exercises, also were conducted, and instead of exercises just listened during the training times relaxing music. After...
Read MoreThe Sauna – refueling stop for body and soul
During the cold season prevails in saunas high operating outdoors is really uncomfortable, warms and relaxes a sweat in particular. Sauna makes sense, since it offers numerous health benefits. During the sauna session, the body temperature rises by about one to two degrees, compared with a slight fever. The body’s own immune cells are thus activated, there is increased production of natural killer cells in the bone marrow. In addition, increases the production of interferons, which means messenger molecules, which play a major role in the defense against infections. The circulation is stimulated during the sauna session by the strong heating and subsequent cooling, which in particular people who suffer from hypotension (also low blood pressure) benefits. The skin also benefits from sweating, since the increased blood flow and the pore cleansing strengthen the protective acid mantle. Not to...
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