Is there a best time for meals?
The question of whether a sumptuous dinner makes more fat than a calorie lunch is controversial. There are many nutrition myths, and each has spontaneously ready a scientific explanation. But does it really matter what time of day a meal is taken? At night, the metabolism slows down, so that our body need more time for the nutrients made available to him,to incorporate into the tissue. That is the theory. Thus, it would be logical to take the last meal before the metabolism shuts down. Exist a lot of opinions when exactly that will be separate. Recommend some “experts” from 17 clock nothing to eat, others set the deadline generously to 20 clock. The results of other studies, however, indicate that the timing of meals is not decisive for whether increases or decreases the overall balance of the daily...
Read MoreSluggish? To bring back life into your life
If your strength in the morning more than enough to turn off the alarm clock and you can bring himself to nothing even on days off, it’s time to do something about the lack of drive, the cause of frequent stress, lack of exercise and poor diet are. Everyone knows the days when you have nothing lust and eager to want to lie around all day lazily on the couch. Every now and then, those days quite reasonable, since they allow the mind and body time-outs, they urgently need to regenerate. If these days are not the exception, but the rule, you should urgently change something about your lifestyle in order to break the cycle of fatigue and listlessness. Overcome listlessness targeted. Most can already do with simple means anything against apathy and bring back new life into life....
Read MoreAcute bronchitis is one of the most common diseases
Do you suffer from dry, painful cough that occurs with phlegm, or even fever and general malaise? Then you have probably captured acute bronchitis that counts, especially in the winter season, of the most common diseases of the respiratory tract. Trigger of acute bronchitis are usually viruses that spread via the nasopharyngeal space to the lower respiratory tract and cause inflammation of the delicate mucous membrane of the bronchi. In addition, of course, damage caused irritants such as cigarette smoke, gases or dust in the bronchi and thus encourage the development of acute bronchitis. As a result, the mucosal cells respond with increased mucus production, which triggers a cleansing cough in the respiratory tract. By the bronchial inflammation, is weakened and damaged airways, so this could, possibly, triggered secondary infections with bacteria. Reference to such a bacterial superinfection can...
Read MoreHelp of Sport with ADHD?
Children with ADHD do not always can get help with medication treatment. A recent study shows that, among others, sport can help to alleviate the symptoms and to increase the concentration of those affected. A recent study shows that, among others, sport can help to alleviate the symptoms and to increase the concentration of those affected. But what certainly makes sense in some cases, can’t be the best way for all children. Because psychotropic drugs can have serious side effects, we often can find other ways to meet the specific needs of hyperactive children. One way to deal with it may be sports. Then several studies have referenced on this way of treating. Motor skills and cognitive skills are associated. In children with ADHD often observed symptoms, such as inattention, impulsivity, hyperactivity and problems in the motor skills and...
Read MoreThe 7 Best Tips against neck pain
If the neck hurts with every movement, quality of life is severely limited. Every second American knows at least once a year, the feeling that you can not move properly. This back problems with a few preventive measures are easily avoidable. Neck pain is the collective term for painful tension and cramps in the neck and shoulder muscles. Every third back pain treatment refers to the neck area. The range of pull in the shoulders extends to almost complete immobility of the neck area. Causes of neck pain are varied. First, the cervical spine is exposed because of their relatively high mobility higher loads and greater wear. At that biological susceptibilities often appears because of the wrong posture during work and leisure. Especially office activities are often associated with an unhealthy posture. But at home we usually not sitting...
Read MoreInfluence of sunlight on the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
Moderate exposure of sun can help in regulating the immune system and also reduce the risk of MS. In US, more than 200,000 people suffer from the nerve disease and multiple sclerosis. The causes of this chronic inflammatory disease that can lead to sensory loss, paralysis and optic neuritis are largely in the lack of sun. Again and again, but the sunlight being discussed as a component in the pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis. Because epidemiological studies show that northern Europeans, North Americans and Canadians much more frequently become ill than people who live near the equator. Genetic causes seem so much a role to play, because who is moving to a sunnier region in early childhood, adjusts its risk of Multiple Sclerosis. Sun is contributes to the regulation of the immune system. Therefore scientists wanted to find out if...
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