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Canker sores – harmless or contagious disease?

Posted by on May 12, 2015 in Health | 0 comments

If suddenly the glass of orange juice causes burning pain in the mouth and the food causes problems, canker sores may be the cause. This is usually only lentil-sized but extremely painful and causes mucosal lesions. Are the most common mouth ulcers type in adults, but also among children may already be affected. What are canker sores? Canker sores occur on both the inside cheeks, throat and palate and on the tongue. In 80 to 90 percent of all cases, these are so-called minor aphthous ulcers that are between two and ten millimeters in size. The canker sores initially as greasy white-coated bubbles with red inflamed edge and burst after some time. Then canker sores causes an inflammation of the injured mucosa. It leads to minor aphthous ulcers but only superficial damage the mucosa, and they usually heal in...

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What you can do for the health of heart

Posted by on May 11, 2015 in Health | 0 comments

The heart pumps per minute about 5 liters of blood through the circulatory system, providing tissue and organs with vital nutrients. No other organ is so important for survival.But the heart is also susceptible to a number of diseases, which are favored by different risk factors. While you can live with one lung, kidney or a defective liver, broken heart is appear serious threat to the existence. This is reflected in the fact that in spite of modern medicine, heart still exposed cardiovascular diseases and this is the leading cause of death worldwide. These are mainly pathological changes of the coronary arteries due to vascular deposits, known as atherosclerosis, and heart attacks thereby, lead to death. As the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease apply high blood fat levels, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. These, so-called, metabolic syndrome...

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It is stormy outside – protection for ears

Posted by on May 10, 2015 in Health | 0 comments

Sore ears from wind and cold must not be. With the right tools is ear pain in children, adolescents and adults can be easily prevented. Those who do not pay attention to yourself, you risk serious consequences. So protection for ears is necessary. Ears are sensitive organs that may be sensitive to strong wind. Sore ears after a walk in stormy weather certainly knows everyone. However, they are rarely problematic and let the return into the house quickly again. Only for very sensitive people or small children, the uncomfortable feeling last longer. Precautionary measures are: Hat Headband that covers ears Ear plugs (not for small children) Earmuffs Hair is not cut too short The disadvantage of some measures is that they can affect the hearing. Therefore, the Woolly Hat is a sensible decision to stay healthy in the fresh...

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Celiac: Safe and sound without gluten

Posted by on May 8, 2015 in Health | 0 comments

When intolerance certain grains allocated gluten. Gluten is a chronic inflammation of the small intestine. Well and clearly diagnose create doctor by an antibody test in blood and tissue removal from the small intestine. When connecting cereal with water, produced the protein gluten, which is ideally suited as a natural adhesive for bread and pasta. Unfortunately, some people react with a misdirected immune response to this substance, which is the lining the small intestine is pretty sensitive and easy for damaged. At the end of a complex chain reaction is the rejection of the small intestine villi lining that conduct normally captured from the food nutrients into the bloodstream. The dangerous consequence of celiac sprue or native is thus a chronic malnutrition. Also at increased risk of colorectal cancer is associated with gluten intolerance. As classic symptoms bloating, nausea,...

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Heartburn, what to do?

Posted by on May 6, 2015 in Health | 0 comments

Every second person familiar with the unpleasant burning sensation behind the sternum associated with acid regurgitation, that as a result of a heavy meal or a beer or coffee too much usually occurs. Heartburn occurs when stomach acid enters the esophagus. Bring the renunciation of certain foods do not provide relief, help drugs that block stomach acids. Normally, a sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach that remains in the stomach acid stomach makes. Is this muscle weakened, the aggressive acid can rise up and attack the stomach lining, unlike the unprotected esophagus. This painful irritation called heartburn. So what do with heartburn? If they heartburn occasionally, often enough the renunciation of food and beverage, reduce the tension of the sphincter. High-fat and sumptuous meals, coffee or alcohol can also trigger heartburn, such as nicotine. Distributed by more than...

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A sluggish bowel damage your health

Posted by on Apr 28, 2015 in Health | 0 comments

Has long since become the sluggish bowel widespread disease. The causes are varied and are reinforced by broad ignorance. In addition to the commonly affected group of seniors become ill even children to constipation. Who is well informed can help themselves in many cases. By definition, everyone suffers from a sluggish bowel, which has more than every 48 hours little or no bowel movement. Many healthy, active people daily bowel movement is normal. Of these people with constipation can only dream of. Instead, they suffer from painful abdominal cramps, when the intestine against often much too hard chair fights. Experts explain that, especially seniors are affected. However, pediatricians are sounding the alarm and report that even young children are increasingly affected. The causes are almost always the same: lack of exercise, poor diet and too little liquid. What causes...

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