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No joy in life, don’t want anything: what is anhedonia and why do many people have it?

Posted by on Dec 10, 2023 in Mental health | 0 comments

No desire to get out of bed, indifferent to the smell of coffee from your favorite coffee shop, no desire to travel, update your wardrobe, or meet with friends. Nothing brings joy. This is how those who experience apathy and depressive states describe their condition. However, there is a term that more narrowly describes the situation, not just a ‘desire to be inactive’, but specifically the ‘inability’ to experience pleasure. This is called anhedonia. Anhedonia is a condition in which you lose the ability to feel joy and pleasure in life. When you no longer have any interest in ordinary things and activities that used to be satisfying. Anhedonia can be either temporary during a depressive period or a permanent companion, which can lead to major changes in your mental health. In severe cases, anhedonia can be a symptom...

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