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Sickness caused by lack of exercise – a symptom of our times

Posted by on Jul 31, 2015 in Beauty | 0 comments

Car, computer, TV or game console, they are all responsible for an increasing lack of exercise that begins in childhood. However, only few are aware of the fact that physical inactivity is responsible for a variety of diseases with today. Basically, sedentary lifestyle, a mean, when people spend most of their time lying down, sitting or standing. Many of today’s activities come thanks to modern tools and machines with a minimum of movement. But the human body movement needed to stabilize its circulation. And the musculoskeletal system loses without the necessary movement of his muscles, which support shell as supporting the skeleton. Thus, the effects of too little exercise can be very large and, among other things lead to weight gain, which additionally burden organism and may favor secondary diseases such as diabetes. Lack of exercise not only promotes...

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How much is actually important Vitamin D?

Posted by on Jul 31, 2015 in Nutrition | 0 comments

A deficiency of Vitamin D can lead to the damages in the body and may even increase the risk of death. This fact has prompted scientists to new studies. The meaning of “sun vitamin” for human health is increasingly attracted the attention of scientists. Several studies have not point to links between low Vitamin D levels and diseases such as diabetes, allergies, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular disease and even cancer. The study of almost 10,000 people aged from 50 to 74 years has shown that in a low Vitamin D levels, the risk of respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease or cancer, is increased. Among participants of the study mortality was registrated in people with very low (less than 30 nmol) and low (below 50 nmol) Vitamin D levels. After considering all confounding factors, the mortality rate was 1.7 times within the...

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In traffic summer heat

Posted by on Jul 29, 2015 in Wellness | 0 comments

If the trip is interrupted in the summer by a traffic jam, suffer not only the nerves. Also for the health of the tourists is such a forced break a real burden. Adequate preparation is important and also for emergencies, there are tips to avert the potential dangers. With the right preparation to estimate the probability to encounter traffic significantly reduced. This must include information in good time on building sites and turn on the radio traffic before departure. On hot days, it is better not to risk. And even if the progress on country roads is cumbersome, they are in doubt the better choice, because stopping and pausing here is far easier than in a traffic jam on the highway. Among the most important things when traveling in the summer without air conditioning are: Fan for the cigarette...

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Work-related stress increased risk of diabetes?

Posted by on Jul 29, 2015 in Mental health | 0 comments

High work-related stress level not only increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. The likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes, increases in the presence of chronic stress on the job. According to surveys, one in five workers is affected by severe mental stress in the workplace. This is not normal stressful situations. Studies have shown that this, most likely,  lead to stress symptoms and possibly even to burnout and other mental illnesses. The negative effects on health are manifold. So has been demonstrated that chronic work-related stress lead to a systemic inflammatory response in the body and may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Scientists have now investigate whether a persistently high workload can also favor the development of type 2 diabetes. Increase of risk of diabetes by 45 percent. The information which doctors and researchers has took shows that...

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Cool and dry? Properly storage of medicines

Posted by on Jul 27, 2015 in Health | 0 comments

Surveys show that most Americans store their drugs in the bathroom. However, since many drugs must be protected from heat and moisture, the bathroom is a really bad repository. How a drug must be stored as long as possible to be effective, can be found out by looking in the package insert. Drugs contain substances that can change with incorrect storage, which not only leads to an ineffectiveness of the drug, but may also undesirable side effects. The various ingredients make different types of support needed, which is noted in the package insert and sometimes on folding pack. For this reason, a drug should always should be stored in the original packaging, so it quickly becomes clear whether it might be located in the wrong place and may no longer be used. With the “room temperature” are temperatures between...

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