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Dry skin needs special treatment

Dry skin can be hereditary, but is often reinforced by the circumstances. A good and regular maintenance can prevent worsening of the condition or even illnesses in reliance thereon.

Dry skin Dry skin can affect the entire body or individual parts of the skin. Face, hands, legs, or back but also are more often affected than other skin regions. Reason, the sebaceous glands, which take care of the natural moisturizing the skin surface. You are not equally active. Particularly apparent in the case of mixed skin on the face. If some body areas rather greasy, others may be too dry. But very dry skin is not only too little sebum, it is also not able to store sufficient moisture. The result is that the skin is stretched and itchy.

Preventive measures for beautiful skin.

In addition to appropriate care there are a number of preventive measures that protect the skin. Above all external influences with desiccation of the effect should would be reduced. Excessive showers hurts like a hot bath. In the soaps, special caution is called for. Alkaline soaps deprive the skin additionally moisture. Even shampoos with degreasing effect are not suitable for people with dry skin. Sunbake are harmful for dry skin as well as the contact with irritating substances as they may be included in some cosmetics, but also in jewelry. And indeed plays a role of water consumption. Those who do not drink enough, have no healthy looking skin. Two to three liters a day it should already be for ever enough moisture in the body can be saved. Conversely, excessive coffee consumption is also reflected in the skin again.

Proper care of dry skin.

Rough and dry skin is not only beautiful, they can even be painful. Experts recommend in such cases, the still lotion moist skin after showering. The cream should be as free from artificial substances and perfume. In order not to irritate the skin in addition, it is helpful not to massage products, but only apply thin. Who bathes like, with various additions can relieve the skin: cold-pressed olive oil is a possibility. However, milk and honey are very well suited for a bath with dry skin. It is worthwhile to try out the different variants and so to find their own comfort-mix. Relaxing and helpful at the same time are envelopes. They are even suitable for existing eczema. About a wet tubular bandage with black tea, is a dry jacket, so that the skin can recover properly. An hour should the tea can act at least. It can also come overnight for use.