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Nosebleeds – mostly harmless symptom of a strained nose

Many people know the feeling when the handkerchief suddenly turns red after a sneezing or blowing your nose. But nosebleeds often looks worse than it is, and can be stopped quickly with the right measures.

NosebleedsEpistaxis, referred to in the art as epistaxis is usually triggered by vascular injury to the nose. It is available in almost 80 percent of all cases of injury in the anterior nasal septum cause of epistaxis, because that this area is heavily loaded in everyday life and also has a sensitive near-surface venous plexus, which is sometimes already damaged by a powerful blow your nose. However, the bleeding stops in these cases often short-term and the lost blood volume is very low. Otherwise it look for light red splashes, arterial epistaxis, which is caused by an arterial injury in the posterior nasal area and can assume alarming proportions. As a result, there is the danger of bleeding to death or asphyxiation when it comes to loss of consciousness and larger amounts of blood entering the trachea.

Nosebleeds as a symptom.

According to the different forms of epistaxis, as well as the causes may be different. Basically, however, can be distinguished between nosebleeds due to local release and nosebleeds as an accompanying symptom of another underlying disease. Thus, nosebleeds, for example, due to acute infectious diseases such as influenza occur or be favored by hormonal changes such as during pregnancy. However, high blood pressure or clotting disorders can cause nosebleeds. Rarely, however, put serious diseases such as nasal tumors, leukemia, or a fracture of the skull behind nosebleeds. Usually, however, the local causes of nosebleeds are responsible to:

  • Frequent nose-blowing.
  • A blow on the nose.
  • Allergies such as hay fever.
  • Dry nasal mucosa.
  • Colds and other respiratory infection that lead to increased blood flow to the nasal mucosa.
  • Picking nose.
  • Mucous membrane irritant substances such as chlorine or cigarette smoke.
  • Idiopathic or constitutional nosebleeds, for example, in children.

Small bleeding stop himself, with prolonged doctor.

As an immediate measure in nosebleed seats in the person should bow his head necessarily forward so that the blood runs out of the nose and is not swallowed. Firstly, as the strength of the bleeding be assessed and, on the other retching and nausea are avoided by blood swallowed. Do not listen to the bleeding, the nose can be pressed together with two fingers supportive. In addition, cold compresses have been proven in the neck that contract the blood vessels and so will stop the bleeding. To prevent rebleeding, should also be done without the blowing your nose during the next hours. In addition, the nasal mucosa can be maintained with appropriate ointments. If it comes again and again to nosebleeds or bleeding stops on longer, a doctor should always be consulted.