Can sport change the DNA?
Sport is health. But apparently it’s effects even richer than previously thought. Thus, adequate exercise apparently solve blocking deposits of the DNA of the muscle.
Already a short time sporting movement can solve counter blockades in the muscle cells.This allows genes are transcribed as previously. The researchers have found this in tests attended by 14 healthy men and women. First, the scientists studied participants cell samples from the thigh muscle. Then the subjects had to train on a bicycle ergometer until they had burned 400 kilocalories. This lasted, depending on the power level which is between 30 minutes and an hour. Immediately after the end of training and three hours later, the researchers took cell sample the participants again.
It turned out that the intensive movements could solve deposits of the DNA on the muscle during exercise, which blocked the activation of genes. Although the effect doesn’t last permanently, but according to this fact the researchers explain the test results and why regular exercise can reduce the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other diseases.
DNA patterns are changing faster than expected.
Which genes of our genetic material are active depends among other things on whether blocking attachments sitting on the DNA molecules. The Annexes consist of hydrocarbon groups that prevent the gene to be read. Previously it was assumed that the pattern of these annexes is relatively stable in adult cells and can be hardly changed from short-term environmental effects. „Our result now provides evidence that these patterns in the genome are far more variable than was previously thought”, write the study authors. Even a short period of intense muscle movement is sufficient to allow to disappear.
By training especially the DNA attachments genes who previously blocked metabolism have been removed. A similar mechanism could be discovered in another study with caffeine. Researchers observed that, malicious DNS attachments with isolated muscle cells, which came in a petri dish with caffeine in touch. “Apparently mimicking the caffeine stimulating acting the effect of sport typical muscle contractions”, the scientists suspect. But this does not mean that drinking coffee could replace the Sport.