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Effective tips to relieve stress and to avoid it

Most occur painful tension in the shoulder-neck region or in the lumbar area and are related with cramps and overexertion of muscles. In the treatment, it is important above all to break the vicious cycle of tensions, relieving postures and resulting new tensions in time.

Relieve  StressAmong the most common causes of painful tension include not only one-sided stress and bad posture, such as occur for example by prolonged computer work, but also stress, drafts and poor sleeping conditions. The overexertion of certain muscle groups leads to a spasticity and stiffness of affected muscles that respond to strain with pain. By relieving postures in which the painful movements are avoided, those affected try the pain within limits. However, this posture often leads to even more painful tension. Here then often helps just going to the doctor, who treated with anti-inflammatory and relaxing drugs that relieves acute pain conditions. So that it does not come to that, you should do something in time tensions and avoid triggers such as drafts where possible.

What you can do in the short and long term to tension?

  • Any form of heat relieves tension. In addition to special heat patches and creams also helps a heated in the microwave grain pillow to mend tensions. Equally effective are warm baths with special bath salts or a visit to the sauna.
  • Even manual therapies such as massage or acupressure provide relaxation.
  • The long-term funds in the fight against stress is exercise. And that is by no means only special physiotherapy meant because basically strengthens any form of exercise from swimming to gymnastics equipment to workout at the gym, the muscles and thus prevents tension effectively.
  • Ultimately, the environment is important. So you should not save supportive of a good mattress or a neck pillow and the workplace, for example, through the right height of the screen, and an ergonomic chair significantly contribute to the prevention of painful tension.