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Sickness caused by lack of exercise – a symptom of our times

Car, computer, TV or game console, they are all responsible for an increasing lack of exercise that begins in childhood. However, only few are aware of the fact that physical inactivity is responsible for a variety of diseases with today.

 Lack of exerciseBasically, sedentary lifestyle, a mean, when people spend most of their time lying down, sitting or standing. Many of today’s activities come thanks to modern tools and machines with a minimum of movement. But the human body movement needed to stabilize its circulation. And the musculoskeletal system loses without the necessary movement of his muscles, which support shell as supporting the skeleton. Thus, the effects of too little exercise can be very large and, among other things lead to weight gain, which additionally burden organism and may favor secondary diseases such as diabetes.

Lack of exercise not only promotes obesity.

But not only on the scale makes itself noticeable lack of exercise, but also the body suffers. The consequence is, for example, a weakened muscles, which then has a negative effect on the joints. They are more stressed and wear prematurely. This process is additionally promoted by obesity. But the discs are more heavily loaded by lack of exercise and an inadequately trained skeletal muscle. Thus, the probability of back pain in untrained people is almost twice as high as in physically active. In addition, increases the risk of injury due to lack of exercise.

Children are also at risk.

In children, lack of exercise also affect the development. In addition to motor system deficits as problems in balancing or walking backwards can cause learning or behavioral problems. In adulthood significantly increases due to lack of exercise in combination with high blood pressure, diabetes or elevated blood lipid levels, the risk for cardiovascular disease. And it can be a lack of exercise, as long as it is not due to illness, already compensated by simple means. Particularly suitable for non-athletes, sports including swimming, cycling or walking have been established. Those not only support the cardiovascular system, but also strengthen specific muscles.