What to do with piercings in winter?
Piercings metal are very popular. Most makers know that they need to pay attention to the pierced skin. Only when wearing piercings at cryogenic temperatures often leads to misunderstandings. At worst, then threaten frostbite.
Approximately 5.3 million Americans wear piercings. Women especially appreciate the jewels that are pierced through the skin. Even the piercing itself, however, problems are not uncommon. Almost 30% of all piercings heal after harvesting from not without problems and later it can lead to infection or other changes and diseases of the skin. Triggers can e.g. Stimuli, such as its temperature changes. Therefore, particular risks in winter, when the piercing is allowed to cool down to the temperature outside. Those who are well informed and can avoid this and take the piercing than what it is, a piece of jewelry.
Why can piercings in winter cause problems?
Piercings are usually made of metal. The temperatures drop at the freezing point, the metal cools to the same temperature. The skin is therefore exposed to the cold metal protection. As a result, frostbite threaten near the piercings. The first signs are:
- The skin is pale
- The skin is numb
- The skin hurts
This affects not only the skin area, has the contact with the metal, but also the environment of the channel. Now it is important to act quickly to remove the metal and to heat the skin if the piercing is not frozen. The following measures are suitable:
- Cover Skin Fabric
- Warm water (do not use outdoors)
- Warm place with warm breath
- Gently rubbing
Have you already formed on the skin blisters or is the piercing frozen, a visit to the doctor is displayed. In this case, there is a severe frostbite, the tissue dies, so quick help is needed.
Protection of pierced skin.
The protective measures against cold temperatures depend on the location of the piercing. On the ears, piercings can be fairly well protected by earmuffs or thick caps of metal yet. Piercings in the lip can be covered with scarves. It is more difficult with piercings on the eyebrows and the nose. At these points better wildcards should be used plastic. Of course, the duration of a stay of cold air can be estimated not always before. Regular sympathize Piercing carrier but can easily determine whether the metal is already become much cooler. It then is not enough just to warm it by hand, because metal conducts very well and immediately cooled again. Displays the skin after returning to warm rooms, redness, it makes sense to remove the piercing at least until it again has skin temperature.