How much is actually important Vitamin D?
A deficiency of Vitamin D can lead to the damages in the body and may even increase the risk of death. This fact has prompted scientists to new studies.
The meaning of “sun vitamin” for human health is increasingly attracted the attention of scientists. Several studies have not point to links between low Vitamin D levels and diseases such as diabetes, allergies, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular disease and even cancer. The study of almost 10,000 people aged from 50 to 74 years has shown that in a low Vitamin D levels, the risk of respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease or cancer, is increased.
Among participants of the study mortality was registrated in people with very low (less than 30 nmol) and low (below 50 nmol) Vitamin D levels. After considering all confounding factors, the mortality rate was 1.7 times within the eight-year observation period in subjects with very low Vitamin D levels, and increases in participants 1.2 times with low Vitamin D levels. After considering of all confounding factors, the mortality rate was increased in 1.7 times within the eight-year observation period in subjects with very low Vitamin D levels, and increases in participants 1.2 times with low Vitamin D levels. They also frequent receive cardiovascular disease or cancer.
Hypertension due to Vitamin D deficiency.
Not yet defined: Do people with too low Vitamin D levels in the blood have an increased risk for certain diseases or disease is a possible clue to the low levels a consequence? Now this theory is being actively investigated by scientists. Scientists show up at their experiments that mice suffering from an artificial Vitamin D deficiency, after a year of lack of Vitamin D shows problem with blood pressure. This was due to an increasing stiffness of the blood vessels, which could lead to less flexibility of blood vessels and create the problem with the bloodstream. As a result, the cardiac structure and function changes. The researchers concluded that adequate level of Vitamin D, that maintains the elasticity of blood vessels thus prevent cardiovascular disease.
Is considered that Vitamin D is fat-soluble vitamin in the body. And it acts as a hormone that regulates calcium levels and thus preserves bone health. Moreover, it affects the immune and endocrine system, the psyche and the metabolism. Main source of vitamin is the body itself, which, itself produces it when exposed to sunlight, particularly under influence of the UV rays. Certain foods, such as oily fish contain Vitamin D can only cover a part of the total demand. A Vitamin D deficiencies widespread in our latitudes, especially in winter.
The US Green Cross recommends to you use the last sun rays in autumn to fill yourself of valuable Vitamin D. Because the body can store Vitamin D in its muscle and fat tissue over months. If you have no time or opportunity, deficiencies of vitamin may come in the winter. Especially pregnant women, infants, the elderly or dark-skinned people are at risk. At diagnosed Vitamin D deficiency dietary supplements may help.