Spring fever – all a matter of hormones?
Hardly nature awakens from its winter sleep, make spring scent, light and warmer temperatures in humans in a good mood and a new impetus. But what causes these changes in the human body, are commonly referred to as spring fever? For a long time, researchers are examining the biological background of spring fever. Since this is however not a disease, there are hardly any scientific studies on the influence of spring on the human organism. However, this does not change the fact that people feel more comfortable and more vital with the beginning of spring. Cause seem to be both psychological factors and environmental influences here. While bloom in early spring no flowers, but the ground is fragrant with the first warm rays of sunshine after rotting leaves, moss and earth, a scent that evokes memories of the now...
Read MoreObesity – the foundation is often laid in childhood
In the last three decades, childhood obesity has become one of the fastest growing health risks. Meanwhile, already almost one in five children in US have overweight. In particular, the number of children who have much weight clearly growing. Who takes the long term more calories than it consumes, will get fat because the body stores excess energy as a reserve for bad times in fat cells. This relic from the hunter-gatherer-time is unfortunately also true for children. While babies may be quiet chubby in her first year of life, the baby fat should have disappeared at the age of five to six years at the latest, because it is precisely with the start of school is changing for many children the daily rhythm. Instead of movement is now increasingly sitting on the program. Especially television and computer games...
Read MoreEnjoy pregnancy in summer
Under high temperatures Pregnancy in summer suffer very often. The circulation is weakened, difficult breathing, and low blood pressure can worsen. With a few simple behavioral guidelines also expectant mothers can enjoy the summer temperatures. During pregnancy, metabolism and blood circulation are increased. If even expand in heat now the vessels, it can quickly lead to dizziness and, at worst, loss of consciousness. In order not to risk a circulatory collapse, but it is not necessary to keep out sun and heat completely. Rather, pregnant women can with a few simple tricks to keep a cool head and learn from the Mediterranean dealing with high temperatures. The ten best summer tips for pregnant women: Avoid the midday sun, and hold 12 to 15 clock rather siesta. Drink plenty of mineral water, diluted fruit juices or herbal teas to supply...
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