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Can mindfulness meditation reduce stress on the job?

Posted by on Aug 2, 2015 in Mental health | 0 comments

More and more people are suffering from burnout, often caused by the stress at work. Mindfulness meditation can help to cope with the stress at work everyday, and help to make working life more pleasant. The mindfulness meditation have a number of positive effects. So they should not only contribute to the relaxation and allay fears, but also strengthen the immune system, among other things, prevent depression and improve the handling of disease or pain. Various research teams have recently investigated that exercises also reduce psychological stress at the workplace and lead to more pleasant working atmosphere and even better work results. Although it concerns investigation only to small scale, but they provide strong evidence that mindfulness meditation can help to make the everyday of work positive. So investigation could show that an employee of a call center were...

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Work-related stress increased risk of diabetes?

Posted by on Jul 29, 2015 in Mental health | 0 comments

High work-related stress level not only increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. The likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes, increases in the presence of chronic stress on the job. According to surveys, one in five workers is affected by severe mental stress in the workplace. This is not normal stressful situations. Studies have shown that this, most likely,  lead to stress symptoms and possibly even to burnout and other mental illnesses. The negative effects on health are manifold. So has been demonstrated that chronic work-related stress lead to a systemic inflammatory response in the body and may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Scientists have now investigate whether a persistently high workload can also favor the development of type 2 diabetes. Increase of risk of diabetes by 45 percent. The information which doctors and researchers has took shows that...

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How can Taiji and Qigong helps in everyday life?

Posted by on Jul 27, 2015 in Mental health | 0 comments

Taiji and Qigong are relaxation techniques and can be good for general body strengthening. It become more and more popular. A recent meta-analysis has now shown that it can also significantly increase the quality of life in cancer patients. Qigong and Taiji that are part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), are becoming more and more popular in the West. In addition, for several years Taiji and Qigong become more and more respected by modern medicine. Clinical studies have already demonstrated the effectiveness of Qigong and Taiji in case of hypertension, cardiovascular problems, headaches and migraines. In particular, Qigong is also used in the fight against cancer and other chronic diseases. Now Chinese researchers have 13 trials during which involved 592 participants to find out whether Taiji and Qigong actually significantly improve quality of life in cancer patients. The result:...

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How to prevent dementia?

Posted by on Jul 21, 2015 in Mental health | 0 comments

Worldwide, around 30 million people suffer from dementia. And by 2050 this number is will be triple. However, many cases of dementia can be prevented by simple rules of life. Ever more clearly becoming that certain lifestyle significantly affect on the risk of dementia. The large studies have shown that people who are overweight, have high blood pressure, smoking, more frequently suffer from an Alzheimer’s disease. However, these figures were not clearly substantiate as the individual lifestyle factors. Many risk factors, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes, go hand in hand, and therefore their impact cannot be clearly separated. British and American researchers have now believe that the most important factors in the risk of dementia development are lifestyle. Movement is particularly important for the prevention of dementia. Overall, therefore, exist seven risk factors – low education, smoking, low...

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Conscious and the unconscious – Who controls whom?

Posted by on Jul 15, 2015 in Mental health | 0 comments

“The ego is not master in its own house” – Sigmund Freud’s famous dictum. The generally known how much our actions and thinking is controlled by unconscious processes. But apparently our unconscious awareness also can be checked. That our consciousness is directed to a large extent by unconscious processes, there is no doubt. But how strong is the influence and the opportunities that we have? And vice versa: can we consciously control our unconscious, there is a questions. A new study has brought an interesting contribution to the debate. With the help of measurements of brain activity in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), researchers have shown that conscious intentions can control the work of our automated systems in the brain. The scientists demonstrated for the first time that such resolutions can control the unconscious flow of information in the brain....

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What more effective against insomnia: acupuncture or drugs?

Posted by on Jul 13, 2015 in Mental health | 0 comments

More and more people suffer from insomnia. Many of them then start to use medicines. But acupuncture can eliminate sleep problems better and gentler. It is estimated that 20 to 30 percent of the population suffer from insomnia – the number of sufferers is increasing. In most cases, initiating sleep problems caused by acute periods of stress and disappear on its own. But sometimes the sleep problems become constant. Instead of resorting to sleeping pills, which usually represents the worst alternative, you can try also acupuncture. Already previous studies have shown that acupuncture can also help with long-lasting sleep. A recent Chinese study has confirmed this. Thus acupuncture more effective for insomnia than Estazolam, a drug from class of benzodiazepines. Acupuncture is stronger than benzodiazepines. For the study 180 patients with insomnia were treated with acupuncture and placebo medication,...

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