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Changes into the brain due to overweight?

Obesity apparently leads to changes in brain activity. This is the conclusion researchers come.Overweight

The aim of the study was to find out why obese individuals have problems with controlling their food intake sufficiently. With the help of imaging techniques, such as magnetoencephalography (MEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) showed that distinguish the brainwaves of overweight from those of normal weight people. Thus we find at an elevated body mass index (BMI) increased brain activity in the frontal region, which plays an important role in areas such as behavioral control. This could be a reason why for some people it more difficult than others to control their eating.

Another finding of the study was that the hormone insulin, which signals the body how much food has been consumed, deployed only a reduced effect in the brain of overweight people. In addition, it was found that men and women react differently on hunger. At the sight of high-calorie food, the brain waves of women change in the experiment much more than that of men. This could be one reason that women more difficult to suppress their hunger and in the supply of food ‘no’ to say.

Reward system plays key role.

The leader of the study, said that the study of processes in the brain of obese people had been seriously neglected in the past. The weight loss success not only on the metabolism, but will also significantly influenced by the pleasure and reward system of the brain. The results of the study should also give indications we behavioral therapies for overweight can be effectively designed in future. So the biofeedback method would be an approach for future treatments. Here learn those affected, deliberately to influence their brain activity.

recent studies show that one in five is overweight in US. Shall be considered as obese those who have a body mass index (BMI) of more than 30. Shall be considered as obese those who have a body mass index (BMI) of more than 30. Although means “thick” not always “sick”, but by being overweight is a risk for secondary diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart attack, stroke and osteoarthritis rises dramatically.Very obese, life expectancy in the statistical average falls to six or seven years.