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Does acupressure helps for migraine?

Migraine is a neurological disorder that can severely restrict daily lives. Now a study has shown, that stimulation of the acupuncture point at the wrist can provide relief.Acupressure

Migraine is a widespread headache type. Women ,in particular, often suffer from this neurological disorder. For those who affected, migraine is a big burden. Severe headache, nausea and blurred vision, incapacitate the patient. When conventional treatments do not help, or it’s not enough, many of them are looking for help with alternative methods.

A complementary method to conventional migraine therapy may represent the acupressure. Acupressure is a healing method which is applied in particular in the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It is closely related to acupuncture and uses some of the same meridians and pressure points. Acupressure is used in case of various disorders, especially for pain relief, sedation and relaxation. Certain points on the body are shaved and slightly depressed.

Stimulation of the pressure point on the wrist can reduce nausea.

One of these points is called the P6, and is located approximately three finger-widths above the wrist on the inside of the arm. A study has now studied how the stimulation of this point affects through a acupressure band on the nausea with a migraine attack. In the study participated 32 womens in age group from 19 to 61 years, suffering from migraine without aura with accompanying nausea. It turned out, that the course of acupressure would significantly reduce the intensity of nausea.

The subjects were asked to document results from the course. In three selected randomly attacks they wanted to use the acupressure. The intensity of nausea in women wore in each case after 30, 60, 120 and 240 minutes on a scale from1 to 10. It was found, that the nausea was reduced by the application acupressure on both wrists after 30 minutes, compared to the control group. This reduction was even more pronounced after a prolonged period.