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Gluten-free diet, low-carb diets and Paleo

For those people who has celiac (chronic inflammatory disease of the small intestine) avoiding of gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and crosses of these grains) has of vital importance.

Gluten-free dietNow many doctors are beginning to realize that a large proportion of their patients has a Gluten Intolerance , and see the health benefits of a gluten-free diet.Many food products, which had had the “gluten-free label” sometimes contaminated with high amounts of gluten.

In an American scientific study demonstrated that naturally gluten-free products contain traces of gluten, which were then released at a processing.

“A new regulation is (…) support the estimated 3 million Americans who suffer from celiac disease, in their health.“

“Maintaining a gluten-free diet is the key to treating celiac disease … “ as the FDA Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg ” The new FDA-definition “gluten Free “will help people with this condition to be healthy by changing their eating habits“.

Under the new rule applies to foods that carry the label “gluten-free”, the following:
All gluten-containing grains must have been refined in a way that has removed gluten altogether. The final product must not contain more than 20 parts per million units of gluten.

Natural gluten-free cereals are rice, corn (maize but it must be ensured that it does not come from genetically modified varieties) quinoa, millet, soy (soy, however, should be, not prefers other reasons that are yet to be named) flax and amaranth seeds.

The following foods may do not carry the “gluten-free label”:

Containing foods all cereals containing gluten.

Food from gluten-containing grains (such as wheat, rye, barley, and their derivatives) that are refined, but still contain gluten.

Most people can benefit from the avoidance of cereals.

Celiac Disease is just one of several autoimmune diseases, which can be significantly improved by avoiding cereal grains. The Autoimmune Thyroid Disease, known as Hashimoto, is another disease in which the avoidance of gluten is very important.

There are also numerous other convincing evidence that a diet with a high grain content may cause the emergence of the Alzheimer’s disease with. The avoidance of gluten helps in the prevention and treatment of this devastating disease.

Similarly, if you want to avoid heart disease, a high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, or even cancer, you should limit your consumption of cereal grains that contain gluten are also either strongly or try to avoid altogether.

Grains and sugar have a proinflammatory effect and aggravate any kind of illness at the beginning of a chronic inflammation is.

Clinical experience has shown that about 75 to 80% of all people will benefit from a grains avoidance, regardless of whether they have a gluten intolerance or not.

Low-carb diets, paleo and ketogenic diets: preferred by athletes.

A diet high in fat, average protein, and low carbohydrate content has recently been preferred by a number of athletes. This new diet plan stands in stark contrast to the traditional carb (carbohydrate) and protein-loading diet.

The idea behind the “carb-loading” is, to be fed with carbohydrates so that muscles during training get much glycogen. This can really only apply to extremely sporty-trained athletes who complete a regular, intensive training program. For the vast majority of non-athletes this diet naturally does not apply.

And also for professional athletes, it is important to rethink this “carb-loading”. Because a diet with more fat and less carbohydrates provides more long-lasting fuel and has a positive effect on metabolism.

Athletes superstars such as LeBron James , NBA players and Ray Allen reported on their positive results after a “low carb diet”.

Other top athletes who have tested this new way of eating, are: The Ironman triathlete Nell Stephenson , the cyclist Dave Zabriskie and the Ultra-marathon runner Timothy Olson. All report an improved endurance, stable blood sugar and better sleep.

Very interesting is the possibility that the health remains the same, even though the workouts are reduced.

High-Fat, Low-Carb – advantages of this diet in pediatric epilepsy and cancer diseases.

Diets with high fat and low in carbohydrates also show positive effects in other diseases.
For example, children with epilepsy often is prescribed a ketogenic diet to reduce their seizures when the drugs used are found to be ineffective.

From a ketogenic diet benefits your brain by your brain cells instead of sugar ketones burn (by products of fat burning).

The physician and researcher is think in the field of epilepsy, diet ketogenic is based on a certain ratio of fat, carbohydrates and proteins.

Research results have shown that more than 50% of children with epilepsy who were fed by this diet, the number of attacks has halved. In about 10 to 15% of children were then too no longer benefit seizures. Fats such as butter, cream and olive oil are recommended for this purpose, as well as the strict limitation of carbohydrates.

The advantages of the imitation of the life of our ancestors.

While the Paleolithic people eat especially vegetables, fruits, nuts, roots and meat eating. These foods are the basis for the Paleo diet. Unfortunately nowadays this staple largely replaced with refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, cereal, bread, potatoes, and pasteurized milk products. The diet with processed foods is a rise a variety of chronic and debilitating diseases associated such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. So let us return to the Basics and a realignment of your diet on fresh, whole, unprocessed, “real” food. This is one of the foundations for optimizing your health.

You can easily transform your diet and observe the principles of the Paleo diet. Also episodes of intermittent fasting can be important.

You should choose a diet that is:

Rich in healthy fats: 50 to 85% of your daily calories should come from eg fat from avocados, biologically produced butter and egg yolks, coconut oil and raw nuts such as macadamia, pecans and pine nuts. It contains moderate amounts of high quality protein from ecologically held animals. Much aimed at taking on fresh vegetables, ideally organically grown vegetables.

Boost your health with a program of diet and exercise.

We recommend for optimal health minimal to absolutely no consumption of cereals and sugar. Even should therefore be started, limited at least 50% of their daily caloric intake in healthy fats like avocados, coconut oil, nuts, butter, until your body is able to utilize fat as a primary fuel.

With regard to the amounts you should always make sure that the largest filling rate your plate always consists of vegetables. This offer countless nutrients, but all contain few calories. Next come high-quality proteins, followed by a moderate amount of fruit, and finally at the top you will find cereals and sugar. In this last top flight with sugar and corn can be completely dispensed.

Another great benefit of this diet is that when your body has learned to use fat as a primary fuel, as if by magic and the cravings for carbohydrates disappears.

In summary, you will see two options to activate your metabolism switches:

A high-fat, moderate-protein diet low in carbohydrates: This type of diet is very helpful for normalizing your body weight and support you in your fight against diabetes.

Intermittent fasting: There are many reasons to activate your metabolism disruptions in food intake.

One of the main reasons for optimal health and disease prevention is a weight loss, this can be quickly reached by intermittent fasting.

An intense interval training will help your body.