Halitosis and the effect of CB12
Bad breath and one does not notice it? But others do! To deal with bad breath is not easy, because although he is bothersome, no one likes to address those who affected them directly. This bad breath is a common problem.
Almost one in four people suffer from bad breath occasionally. However, this is not the onions, garlic or alcohol breath, but triggered by volatile sulfur compounds in the mouth,and causes foul odor. Cause are mostly anaerobic bacteria that proliferate between the teeth, in gum pockets or on the tongue under favorable conditions. Which affordable terms, especially poor oral hygiene, because the bacteria feed primarily on food residues which they decompose with the formation of malodorous sulfur gases. But even inflammation of the gums, decayed teeth, decreased salivation, sinus infections or food intolerances may be the cause of bad breath.
How can we eliminate the unpleasant smell?
Frequently suck strong menthol tablets and constantly chew menthol chewing gum. Thus, the halitosis can, however, cover most, because the cause remains. In this case better helps oral hygiene. In addition to regular brushing the number of spoilage bacteria and the bad breath can also be reduced by the use of dental floss and special tongue cleaners. Antiseptic mouthwashes can complement these activities, because they prevent the implantation of bacteria and act as a preventive measure against bad breath. In addition, the unpleasant gases can contain chlorophyll and oxygen release the funds to be neutralized. and Here can help medicinal herbs such as fennel, eucalyptus, clove, tea tree or mint, through their antibacterial effect in a depletion of spoilage bacteria. Long lasting protection against bad breath, however, a new drug combination of chlorhexidine and zinc acetate. That available under the name CB12 patented product. It’s liable by chemical bond to teeth, tongue and oral mucosa. Despite low drug concentration, demonstrated the formation of odorous gases only after 12 hours .