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Influence of mobile phones on children

Again and again you hear that the use of mobile communications to be harmful and can be dangerous, especially for children. Now an analysis of previously present on the topic of studies was published. The result is reassuring.Mobile phones

Is mobile phone dangerous for children and can make them sick? This question is investigated by group of researchers. In article for the monthly journal illuminated myths and facts surrounding the question of whether children are particularly sensitive to electromagnetic environmental factors and therefore particularly vulnerable to the use of mobile phones. He outlined the current state of knowledge, but also responded to fears and prejudices, which generally have grown up around mobile and electromagnetic radiation.

The result of examination says neither from the present basic knowledge even from cell and animal experiments or in epidemiological studies can be concluded that for children there is a risk through the use of mobile phones. Even with long-term exposure No adverse effects of mobile phone radiation is detectable. A general ban on mobile phones for children can be made of the available scientific data therefore not objectively derived. Nevertheless, researchers had to bear in mind that the head may be influenced by very young children theoretically more of the mobile wave. That is all the more so the younger the children. Parents should be aware of this dependency, when deciding on the use of mobile phones for their children. Selecting the phone type but the amount of exposure can be significantly affected.

Regardless of the health effects explained but that there are many reasons (educational, social or economic), which is why the use of mobile phones by children and young people should be restricted. Especially with younger children is to be recommended to pay attention to a moderate use of mobile phones. A general ban on mobile phones for children can, however, from the available scientific data on possible health influences derive not.