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Side effects of birth control pills

The choice of a contraceptive method is a very personal decision. But it is above all extremely important for health reasons. Among the most popular contraceptive measures include the birth control pill. The biggest advantages of this solution are its high efficiency and comfortable handling. Few know, however, what side effects associated taking pills.Birth control pills

How the pill can affect the choice of partner.

It is a well known fact that the smell when choosing a partner plays a major role. This includes the scents that you cannot consciously perceive such as pheromones (a few years ago, researchers discovered that a certain olfactory nerve, called “nerve O” is responsible for the perception of pheromones).Nerve O has endings in the nasal cavity, but the fibers go directly to the sexual regions of the brain. Since Nerv O influenced your olfactory cortex, a conscious smell does not matter, but there are chemical signals identified as sexual. People like animals are in choosing their preferences by means of the major histocompatibility complex-associated complex (MHC) influence odor. Researchers have discovered that women generally prefer the body odor of men with different MHC. It is believed that this is part of a natural selection, to prevent occurs of genetic inbreeding. If the partners have similar MHC, their chances of successful reproduction are reduced.

However, change the olfactory preferences of a woman when she takes the “pill”.The Pill essentially mimics pregnancy after. If a woman is pregnant, she tends to prefer the scent of men with similar MHC the scent of her own husband. Perhaps as a biological interaction, the bond is now with supportive family members promoted over to potential partners. Perhaps as a biological interaction, the bond is now with supportive family members promoted over to potential partners. This in turn makes it possible then impossible attracted to partners with matching chemical composition to feel. However, there is another problem, which may be even more important, and these are the health effects that may have the “pill” on the female body.

Pill is a convenient way to prevent pregnancy: but right there ends its advantages.

An artificial control of the menstrual cycle with synthetic hormones may well be the ideal method for a highly effective, relatively inexpensive and readily reversible birth control…In fact, taking the birth control pill is associated with numerous health risks. Therefore, it is important to consider exactly what risks you take in favor of convenience against the considerable risks in buying.

Artificial manipulation of hormones is a risky proposition.

Most birth control pills, patches, vaginal rings and implants consist of a combination of derivatives of the hormones estrogen and progestin. They work by mimicking the hormones in your body to stimulate the production of the following effects your reproductive system:

  • Preventing the release of eggs from your ovaries.
  • Thickening your cervical mucus to blockade against the fertilization with sperm.
  • Thinning of the lining of the uterus to prevent the implantation of an egg, it should be fertilized.

However, your reproductive organs do not exist in a bubble. You are connected to all of your other bodily systems and that is why the “pill” will be able to change a lot more than just the reproductive status.

Risks of synthetic estrogens and progestins.

If you have recourse to one of the hormonal methods of contraception (whether it is the “Pill”, patches, vaginal ring or implant), it is important to understand, you synthetic progesterone and synthetic estrogen are taking – something that is clearly not beneficial if you want to maintain optimum health. These contraceptives contain the same synthetic hormones like those that are used in hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which has been well-documented risks, including an increased risk of blood clots, stroke, heart attack and breast cancer . In fact, studies have found that HRT in postmenopausal women the Breast Cancer Risk increased by at least one percent per year and the heart with progestin increases the risk by eight percent per year. Newer hormonal contraceptive methods are more risky.

The existing options – top eight of the natural birth control methods.

The following options, which include both a natural family planning as well as prevention methods are effective ways to prevent pregnancy without damaging your health.

Men condoms.

Condoms have a 98 percent efficiency when they are used correctly. A water-based lubricant increases the effectiveness, not an oil lubricant, because this can break the latex.

Female condoms.

These thin, soft polyurethane pouch attached inside the vagina before sex, are effective 95 percent. For female condoms is less likely that these tear.

Membrane cylinder.

Membranes, which must be used by a doctor are a barrier to sperm. With proper use and secure it with spermicidal gels, they achieve an efficiency 92-98 percent.

Cervical Cap.

This heavy rubber cap is firmly seated on the cervix and can be left in this position for 48 hours. Used correctly by your doctor, you can reach an efficiency of 91 percent.

Cervical sponges.

The sponge, made of polyurethane foam is moistened with water and inserted before sex in the vagina. He works as a barrier between sperm and the cervix, sperm is absorbed and a spermicide dissolves to kill them. The sponge can remain in the vagina for up to 24 hours. When used correctly, the sponge has an efficiency of about 89 to 91 percent.

Natural Family Planning.

Apart from these contraceptive methods there are also natural family planning (NFP) tools that can use a woman to track her ovulation can. Many women feel by NFP very well, because it allows them personal contact with their fertility cycle and they can keep this. Some of the most popular NFP methods include:
Calendar method.
Abstaining from sex in the week in which the woman has her ovulation. This technique works best when a woman has a very regular menstrual cycle. However, it is not recommended for couples as the only means of contraception, because the success rate is only about 75 percent. You can increase the effectiveness by combining it with the aid of temperature measurement.
Temperature method.
This is a way to make the day of ovulation determine so that you are able to sex a few days before and after ovulation to avoid. It is your basal body temperature (your temperature when first waking), every morning measured with an accurate “basal” thermometer, and taking into account the increase in temperature that takes place after ovulation. Note that illness or lack of sleep can alter the body temperature and this method is unreliable when it is but used together with the mucus method, there is a success rate of 98 percent.
Mucus method.
It is tracking changes in the quantity and quality of the effluent, which reflects an increasing estrogen levels in the body. The estrogen begins to rise, creating a cloudy, sticky mucus. And if the mucus is clear, ovulation is imminent. If the mucus stickier then again, ovulation is over. As you can see, there are many alternatives to the “pill” and other hormonal contraceptives. The advice to all women is: Weigh the risks and benefits before you start taking any kind of “pills”.