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Reducing of depression symptoms with Qigong

Posted by on Nov 21, 2015 in Mental health | 0 comments

Women with breast cancer get benefit from Qigong. Especially depressive symptoms go back, as reported an international research team. That qigong can improve quality of life. That fact already known and has already been proven by various studies. The Chinese concentration, movement and meditation technique can be specifically targeted against depression in breast cancer patients. Now a team of researchers from China, the US and Dresden has examined this. About 96 participating women with breast cancer were shortly removed before the trial, and them involved in radiotherapy over five to six weeks. Half of the women took a part in regularly Qigong exercises, while the other half came on a waiting list; they were also allowed to the study of qigong program. The stronger depressive symptoms, the greater the benefits you get from Qigong. The exercises were conducted on...

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With the right exercises for healthy back

Posted by on Nov 18, 2015 in Health | 0 comments

According to surveys, affects approximately 70% of Americans back pain and almost always are incorrect loading the cause. Those who sit a lot at the desk, is particularly vulnerable. But there is help, the right exercises for healthy back are easy to learn. One thing is certain, more and more people suffer from back pain. How to tell the health insurance, the number of patients in pain since 1998 has increased from 6 to 15% and the intensity of the pain got worse. That the persons concerned are now affected at an early age, is another wake up call for the insurer. What causes back pain? The expert distinguishes between specific and nonspecific back pain. If the pain is the result of overloading, is nonspecific pain of the question. Pain conditions which are attributable to a disorder are referred...

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Does atrial fibrillation harm the brain?

Posted by on Nov 18, 2015 in Health | 0 comments

It’s known fact that atrial fibrillation increases the risk of a stroke. But regardless from atrial fibrillation, appears the risk of damage to the brain and increase limitations of cognitive abilities – it’s the result of a meta-analysis of American researchers. Approximately from 60 to 100 times the heart beats per minute. That is about 80,000 to 150,000 beats per day. No wonder that the heart sometimes gets out of rhythm. Most commonly it’s called the atrial fibrillation, particularly in the elderly people. By estimated from 500,000 to one million people in US are affected by atrial fibrillation. Typical signs of the cardiac arrhythmia is an irregular pulse and symptoms, such as palpitations, shortness of breath and exhaustion. However, often atrial fibrillation is stay unnoticed. While it is in contrast to ventricular fibrillation, atrial fibrillation not immediately life-threatening, but...

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Dose Vitamin P protects nerves?

Posted by on Nov 15, 2015 in Health | 0 comments

Question is under high pressure of research doctors and biologists: is the how to preserve motor nerve cells from dying? A research team from Bochum has now reviewed the vitamin P under the microscope – with positive results. Damage to the motor neurons can lead to various diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis for, increasing muscle weakness, muscle atrophy and muscle spasms occur in the course. You can show the mouse model that the. Molecule 7,8-dihydroxyflavone, also called vitamin P, can protect the motor neurons from dying. Until now it was assumed that vitamin acts similar to the nerve nutrient BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor). Attempts to prevent by means of BDNF damage to the motor neurons, but had only moderate success and in some cases even negative consequences show how one of the study authors explained. Therefore we...

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Best protection against ticks for dogs and cats

Posted by on Nov 14, 2015 in Family Planning | 0 comments

A tick infestation is more than unappetizing. In fact Ticks are blood-sucking parasites that can transmit a number of diseases. Particularly at risk are dogs and cats. Those who are informed about habitat and defensive measures to protect not only his pets, but ultimately themselves. Ticks are not insects, but arachnids are assigned to. They are also blood-sucking parasites and thus in principle with mosquitoes comparable. The crucial difference, however, is that ticks can absorb considerably more blood. Are they completely soaked, they weigh 200 times more than the empty and hungry state. For this purpose, they can remain in their host up to 15 days. Have they taken enough blood, they drop. It ticks are survivalists. In the wild, they can survive up to five years without food. Tick bites are not generally dangerous to pets if the...

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