Knowing the dizziness causes and deal with it
Suddenly it’s all about, or soil begins to sway. Or so especially older people experience a vertigo attack that even if it is short-lived, can lead to dangerous falls. Neither the cause of this vertigo nor are always clearly identifiable.
Basically, dizziness is not a distinct disease, but rather a symptom of another disease or disorder. In order to find clues to the cause of vertigo, it is therefore important to know both the form of dizziness and vertigo attack as well as the duration of the triggering situation. Can be roughly divided into four different forms to dizziness. So the world seems to revolve around the affected like a carousel ride with vertigo. When vertigo is, however, the ground moves like on a ship in heavy seas. And while rotating the entire environment with positional vertigo and fluctuates where a person lies still itself, dizziness is noticeable by unsteadiness and swash feelings.
Causes of vertigo may be systemic, systemic or somatic nature.
Although the reasons for dizziness can be very diverse, but they can be basically divided into systemic, and somatic causes. Thus in systemic which shows up as lathes, totter or positional vertigo, usually the vestibule of the inner ear, the balance nerve or brain stem cause of the vertigo attacks. In more than 20 percent of all cases are benign positional vertigo, for example, caused by the detachment of small crystal stones, which have been deposited in the semicircular canals of the inner ear. But other disorders of the vestibular system caused by injury, inflammation, Meniere’s disease or acute circulatory disturbance may cause dizziness. Cause of dizziness in and system circulatory are against disorders of the brain, for example, as a result of atherosclerosis, low blood pressure, alcohol, nicotine or drugs. But cerebellar damage, tumors or intracranial pressure rises are a possible cause for dizziness and system into consideration. Somatoform non organic dizziness causes, however, are evident. Possible triggers can be here stress, overload or fears, what makes this form of vertigo particularly difficult to diagnose.
Treatment depends on the cause.
Since dizziness is a symptom, the treatment depends on the actual cause of the disease so that general therapeutic approach no exists. While some forms of vertigo heal by itself, but other such as Meniere’s disease require specific therapy. Sometimes special training can help to train the sense of balance and avoid attacks of vertigo. For the acute phase dizziness are also medications available that dampen associated symptoms such as nausea or vomiting. Long-term mental care is also important to help those affected to deal with the fears of renewed vertigo attack.