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At the start of the tick season – effectively protect dogs

Hardly temperatures rise in the spring is clear, lurking in the grass and undergrowth again a threat to humans and dogs: Especially in the warm season ticks have high season- tick season. But already at about 10°C, they can be active, so that as of March should be taken to ensure a sufficient protection against ticks.

Effectively protect dogsNot only in forests or fields dogs are plagued by ticks, also in the home garden pests lurking in warm temperatures and wet weather in the grass or in the bushes. There are three different species of ticks that select the dog as a host animal. In addition to the wooden support these include the marsh tick and the immigrant from the warm south brown dog tick.

Lyme disease, malaria and encephalitis dogs are typical, tick-borne diseases.

As a bloodsucker ticks look on the dog places with thin skin as possible. Preference is given to the lower abdomen and thigh and elbow wrinkles. But also on the ears, eyelids, nose or between the toes of ticks find a place where they can anchor, their mouth tool for recording blood in the skin of their host animal. This is not only an increased risk of infection sometimes very deep wounds, ticks are also potential vehicles of numerous diseases. Thus transferred to the dogs Ticks Lyme disease or TBE. The marsh tick or the brown dog , however, is a carrier of babesiosis, a disease that shows symptoms similar to malaria, and is therefore referred to as dogs malaria. Similar runs the ehrlichiosis, a predominantly transmitted by the brown dog tick disease. In addition, tick bites can also cause an allergic reaction in the dog.

Remove ticks and prevent.

Basically, every dog owner should his four-legged friend for ticks regularly scan and, if necessary, remove a tick remover, as well as in humans are also glue, nail polish remover or oil taboo. However, since not always be found all ticks and they can also be a danger to people, should be considered in case of frequent attacks on preventive treatment. Thus, for example, is different than for human Lyme disease vaccine for dogs available and also a TBE vaccine is available on request. The other hand, simpler protection offer so-called anti-parasite, whose active ingredients kill the ticks. Besides there are medicines for dogs used to be dropped on the skin of your neck. From there they spread then evenly over the skin and protect it for several weeks before tick bites and the associated disease transmission. As effective down beside various collars have been found with a special tick poison. Basically, however, must be considered in any toxic for tick control, it can be dangerous for humans and dogs when used incorrectly.