Health risks of contents aluminum in vaccines
When it comes to the safety of vaccines, the discussions focused about toxic ingredients in thimerosal (contains mercury) which killed (inactivated) vaccines are added as a preservative. But vaccines also contain other adjuvants that stimulate the immune system to increase the immune response to the vaccine significantly – and one of the most poisonous is aluminum. Aluminum has replaced mercury in many vaccines. The mercury levels in “vaccines multi-dose” has many vaccines for children in single-dose vials decreased (most influenza vaccines are bottled in multi-vials and contain a high dose of mercury). However, while the use of mercury has decreased, the use of aluminum has not been reduced. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that is contained in a series of children’s and adult vaccines and surpasses the toxicity of mercury in the human body. If you want to know...
Read MorePoor indoor air: How can you improve the quality of air at home?
Our ancestors spent most of their time outdoors, by the pollution for it was not nearly as large as it is today. Today, however, the average person spends 90% of his time inside of buildings where the air is more polluted than waiting outside. Here, the contamination of the indoor air can have consequences like asthma, headaches, Flu-like symptoms and other diseases. Poor air quality is associated with both short- and long-term health problems. The following health problems are caused or exacerbated by poor air quality in the interiors: Asthma, allergies and other respiratory diseases Headache Dry eye and skin irritation Sore throat, colds and flu Memory loss, dizziness, fatigue and depression. Exposure to toxic dust can also lead to serious diseases, including: Heart disease Personality disorders Reproductive disorders and infertility Cancer. Common sources of indoor air pollution. Building...
Read MoreOnly half of the people infected with the flu virus are really sick – Why?
The condition of the immune system is responsible for whether we get sick after we were exposed to a flu virus. A study at the University of Michigan found that half of the subjects who were exposed to the virus, suffering from flu, while the other half remain healthy. The explanation lies in the quality of the immune system. Constantly care along with a positive lifestyle is the best defense against flu and other infections. There is a widespread misconception that the only way to prevent the flu is not to come with the virus in contact, but if to wash his hands quickly the virus can’t take opportunity, to penetrate in the body’s. As a result there are a variety of hand disinfectants and antibacterial soaps, whose sale is requested at every flu season by being as your...
Read MoreIs the origin of fear in the intestine not in the head?
You may have already rated this startling message to other places on the Internet and wonder why we blog about it past. The discovery of the relationship between the state of intestinal flora and the emergence of colt we hold however for thrilling enough in order to present readers which was not known to the message. Animals with broken intestinal flora were anxious. The causality between Gut Flora and Psyche discovered as a result of experiments on mice by US researchers. In the mice whose intestinal flora has been destroyed by antibiotics, it has been observed behavior changes: the animals were anxious and incautious. Interaction between gut and brain. The impairment of the bacterial flora of the intestine caused chemical changes in the brain. It was increasingly the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (“brain derived neurotrophic factor”) which is off. The...
Read MoreNatural ways to keep kidney stones at bay
In case of kidney stones dietary factors play a major role, especially avoiding sugar, non-fermented soy products and soda. You can prevent the formation of most kidney stones through the intake of magnesium and abundant drinking quality, clean water. The greatest risk factor is an insufficient water supply. What are kidney stones and why do they occur? Kidney stones are formed when minerals crystallize in the urine and form a “stone”. normally inhibit compounds in the urine this crystal formation. In some people stones form when the urine contains more crystal-forming substances such as calcium and uric acid as available liquid for dilution. This can happen if the urine strongly acidic or strongly alkaline is. The tendency to form kidney stones is primarily dependent on how well or how badly calcium and other substances in the body can be...
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