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Can iodine reduce the risk of breast cancer?

Posted by on Jun 15, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

It has long been known that women in Southeast Asia much less likely to develop breast cancer than in Western countries.Some researchers suspect that this could be related to the increased iodine intake. A study seems now to confirm this. That iodine deficiency can lead to problems with the thyroid gland, is well known. Less common is the idea that the amount of iodine intake can also have an effect on breast cancer risk. Epidemiological data led several years ago to suspect that there might be this effect of iodine, because in countries of Southeast Asia ill women about five times less likely to breast cancer than for example in US. Researchers suspect that this could be related not only with the consumption of soy, but also with the increased intake of iodine, because the people in Southeast Asia...

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Headache can have many faces

Posted by on Jun 11, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Most people know the feeling when it begins in the forehead, on the temples or the back of the head, knocking or thumping and threatens to shatter the head. The causes of headaches can be very versatile and hence the possible therapies. Almost every third American suffers regularly from headaches. Women are much more likely than men affected by the attacks of pain sometimes occurring several times a month. But headaches are not the same headache. Differ depending on the cause physicians now more than 250 different types of headaches , which look like a dull pressure humming the skull, single pulsating occur or manifest as sudden, stabbing pain. Sometimes the headache will also be accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, sensitivity to light, restlessness and visual or neurological deficits. Most are not organic causes to find. For...

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Are children prescribed antibiotic too often?

Posted by on Jun 8, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Antibiotics may be vital. However, they also have strong side effects, and can lead to drug resistance. Children, antibiotics are often prescribed as necessary in US. 38 percent of minors received antibiotic in 2009. From three to six year olds there were even 50 percent. This emerges from a study by scientists at the university. As this proved to be problematic especially that even with harmless infections as simple colds antibiotics were prescribed. These are here mostly to viral infections where antibiotics can not do anything. Necessary and useful, however, the drugs are only in severe bacterial infections like pneumonia. The study also showed that especially family doctors prescribe too often unnecessary antibiotics. To prescribe 33 percent of general practitioners at a purulent tonsillitis antibiotics not, although this only in is displayed exceptional cases. The pediatricians do this 17...

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Can plastic make you sick?

Posted by on May 31, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Every day we come into contact with plasticizers, which are part of various plastics. Studies show that the chemicals can disturb the human hormonal system. Environment chemicals fall increasingly targeted by physicians, particularly endocrinologists, specialists for the hormonal balance. A group of particularly critical chemical compounds are the phthalates, plasticizers that are added mainly in PVC plastics and which can affect the human hormone balance, as well as other metabolic processes. One finds plasticizer in films for sealing and dams, in floor coverings, cables, toys, cosmetics and plastic containers. Also in the medical products business, like houses, gloves and oxygen masks they exist. Meanwhile four different phthalates are already banned in children’s toys and cosmetics, but constantly diving new species of this group of substances, whose potential risks are not yet explored. Decisive for the loading of the organism...

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Can sound wave massage mobilize the self-healing powers?

Posted by on May 20, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

When the sound massage waves are transmitted to the whole body this leads to many positive effects and various applications. The sound wave massage is a new technology in which a massaging effect is achieved by sound pressure in the low frequency range. This harmonic oscillations with the aid of incorporated are transmitted into the body. The sound pressure application is perceived as gentle massage with great depth effect. Hearing plays a subordinate role. Rather, music and melodies with the whole body can be experienced. The perceived music in turn triggers several positive psychological and physical reactions. When recording of sounds through the ear sound waves are converted into nerve impulses, which are processed in the brain. However, when sounds take on the body surface, they propagate through voids, bone and water molecules throughout the body. Each cell receives...

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Lack of sleep leads to Diabetes

Posted by on May 17, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Lack of sleep can contribute to the development of diabetes. There were previous studies. A recent study from Boston confirmed this thesis now. The researchers led by Professor Orfeu Buxton from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston wanted to find out how lack of sleep and a disturbed circadian rhythm, effects on risk of developing diabetes in night shift workers to fall ill. The scientists have studied 21 subjects nearly six weeks in the hospital and thereby brought their sleeping rhythm targeted mess. First, the participants every night allowed to sleep about ten hours. Then the sleeping hours were reduced to 5.6 hours per day, the study participants should to sleep sometimes at night and sometimes during the day. At the same time has been strictly controlled, what the subjects ate. The researchers found that the participants after a...

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