Unnecessary surgery for back pain?
Many Americans suffer from back pain, and often doctors advice, for those who affected by this pain, an operation. But many of these procedures are unnecessary, as a study shows.
Back pain have become a widespread disease. Approximately twelve percent of people in US suffer from back pain every day, about 42 percent suffer repeatedly. The pain is the most common reason of sick leave and may sufferers begging for mercy. Therefore place annually in US nearly 230,000 spinal surgery instead, and there are more and more.
Sun rising in US, for example, between 2007 and 2010 the number of intervertebral disc operations by 30 percent. In 2007, the Federal Statistical Office registered 140,000 interventions, 2010, there were already 171,000. The number of spinal fusion with screws and plates made of metal has even almost tripled during this period. But despite all the advances in surgical techniques in the meantime increasing evidence that many of these interventions are not only superfluous, but sometimes even harmful. A study showed, that 85 percent of surgery in patients no benefit from back aches.
Pain alone is no indication for surgery – multimodal therapy have more sense.
“We know, for example, for years, that there patients with herniated disc and the leg pain with or without surgery after a year better off,” said the expert. A second opinion was useful in any case, if a back-operation is pending.
“We know, for example, for years, that there patients with herniated disc and the leg pain with or without surgery after a year better off,” said the expert. A second opinion was useful in any case, if a back-operation is pending. There now have 600 back pain patients made use of the Second Opinion offer. The result of an evaluation of the program surprises even the experts: In 87 percent of cases, the pain team advised – each consisting of a pain physicians, psychotherapists and physiotherapists – by surgery from.
In 21 percent of patients, the team recommended a so-called multimodal therapy in which different therapies – combined – medication, exercise, psychological strategies and Physiotherapy. “This approach is especially useful for back pain is highly effective. The success rate is over 80 percent.” Nevertheless, there are of course cases in which surgery is helpful. “One should not wait so long until irreversible damage has been done, when an intervention is the best solution.” Therefore it was important a thorough diagnosis.