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With healthy teeth by the time Christmas

Gingerbread, cinnamon stars, Christmas cake – during the Christmas season can be the countless sweet temptations hard to resist. But what is well known, especially adding to the teeth, which sugar? You observe a few basic rules, the dentist has nothing to complain about, even after the Christmas holidays.

Christmas sweetsThe average American consumes According to statistics, every year more than 30 kilograms of sugar . Not only sweetened drinks, chocolates and Co. contain him, but also convenience foods or ketchup. While not harm the teeth directly carbohydrates, but they are the most desirable food from bacteria, Streptococcus mutans mainly of type. These convert the sugar into acid, which attacks the enamel and eventually lead to tooth decay. The Acidity Level  in the mouth is normally six to seven. Taking sugary foods, he drops to five to four – it now exists an acidic environment. After eating and drinking saliva neutralizes the acid and remineralize the enamel.

What teeth hurt.

All that remains in the mouth long, the teeth attacks especially. This includes not only the classics like sticky chewy include cake (or blocks) and biscuits (or cookies), which we consume so abundant during the Christmas season. Generally it is the enamel to when he is repeatedly attacked by acid, so we snacking throughout the day several times. Soft drinks are especially rich in sugar and therefore should not be consumed regularly. Also citrus juices can promote tooth decay because they contain a lot of acid. Although not yet calorie sugary, even bottled water attack sensitive teeth: This is due to the carbonic acid, which damages the enamel. Thickness of pasta, rice or potatoes increased acid production in the oral cavity – increases the risk of caries.

Tips for healthy teeth.

Sugar, starch and even carbonic acid can therefore damage the teeth. What can we actually still take safely to us? All – in moderation and in conjunction with a good dental and oral hygiene:

  • After each main meal brush your teeth
  • Alternatively mouth with water (or mouthwash) rinse
  • Dental care or dental hygiene chew gum
  • After eating acidic foods after half an hour brushing your teeth (acid attacks on tooth enamel, which is removed by immediate cleaning)
  • Between the teeth with dental floss and special brushes clean
  • Not several times throughout the day to take candy
  • Consume foods that strengthen tooth enamel: green tea, pulses, fish, garlic
  • Using sweetener instead of sugar: The natural sugar substitute even reduce the risk of caries
  • Twice a year going to the dentist
  • Clean teeth regularly professionally

Stollen, cookies and . Co do not constitute a threat to dental health, if one pays attention to a thorough care, but of course, not just for Christmas, but also during the rest of the year.