Reasons for early retirement
More and more people have to make early retirement due to mental illness. In many cases this could be the prevented by appropriate preventive and rehabilitation measures. Mental illnesses are at the top of the reasons for health-related early retirement for many years; first by a wide margin followed the physical illnesses like musculoskeletal disorders. The requested of early retirement because of mental illness markedly has increased in recent years. Every other early retirement is now happen due to mental illness. On average, affected persons are just 49 years old. Mentally-related early retirement are often preventable. This mentally-related early retirement can often be avoided. In opinion of specialists, there is a lack of medical institutions among others for mentally ill persons. On average, victims in US waiting for three months for an appointment to a psychotherapist. Thus many of...
Read MoreTips for a healthy cardiovascular system
Regularly, tireless and usually unnoticed the heart between 60 and 80 times per minute pumps up to 100 milliliters of blood through our body – day after day, year after year. So, to give time maintaining the health of this important organ a little attention. ALS transport apparatus is the heart and circulatory system to transport blood, oxygen and nutrients to all cells of the body and to exempt them from accumulating metabolites. Diseases of this body cycle – the length of about 100,000 kilometers, after all, represents twice the circumference of the earth – are among the most common ailments of society and are the number one killer in America. Although genetic predisposition and the aging process play a certain role, but decides mostly lifestyle over. health or disease. According to a scientific study in the USA, up...
Read MoreDoes religion protects against depression?
Religion and spirituality may be able to protect people from the onset of depression, as now shown a study from the United States. However, this does not apply to all concerned persons. A research team headed by Dr. Lisa Miller of Columbia University in New York has found that people who have a especially high risk for the development of depression due to family history, are protected by their faith in some extent before the onset of the disease. In a study, group of scientists have found that for patients with high-risk of depression religion is particularly important risk of developing depression reduced on 90 percent than in people without the penchant for Religion and Spirituality. Now the researchers want to find out how Religion and Spirituality are reflected in the brain structure. Just three years earlier Miller and...
Read MoreCan the diet affect on the course of mental illnesses?
An increasing number of studies provide evidence that the diet may play a role in the pathogenesis of mental disorders and their treatment. However, the evidence is so far thin. Largely mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety disorders or schizophrenia can now be treated with medication and psychotherapy. However, as more and more studies show the diet plays a major role. In addition, the growing knowledge about the brain metabolism can prove that dietary habits or deficiency of certain nutrients can influence on the development and course of mental disorders. Thus, epidemiological studies have shown that there is a correlation between a low intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids and the development of schizophrenia and depression. In studies have shown that the selective intake of omega-3 fatty acids has a positive effect on these diseases. Researchers assume that the intake...
Read MoreThe day of cholesterol
The “Day of cholesterol” takes place this year on June 20: Nationwide, it should be remembered that this country goes back almost every second death on a disease of the cardiovascular system. Initiator is the American Society for fighting fat metabolism disorders and their sequelae. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance and due to its substantial involvement in hormone production is a vital substance. In terms of brain, nerve and general body cells, it is of great importance. The so-called sterol is produced by the body itself, especially in the liver. In addition, contain animal foods such as chicken eggs, meats, oily fish and butter cholesterol. The organism has a regulatory mechanism to ensure constant as possible values: Taking much cholesterol in their diet, there will be a restricted production in the liver; the food contains, however, low in cholesterol,...
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