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Osteoporosis – when the bones break spontaneously

Posted by on May 6, 2015 in Family Planning | 0 comments

Many people notice a long time nothing, because osteoporosis or bone loss develops insidiously over many years. Only when it comes through a minor fall or spontaneous bone fractures, the disease is detected. In this case, osteoporosis occurs in both women and men aged. Among the most common causes of these, marked by excessive bone resorption disease is one of the estrogen deficiency, which is why women are almost twice as often affected by osteoporosis than men. However, lack of calcium and vitamin D, smoking, alcohol, lack of exercise and other underlying medical conditions can contribute to the development of osteoporosis. In addition, various medications such as cortisone, when taken for years, can lead to break bones. Most osteoporosis is recognized by vertebral fractures or after a bone fracture in a fantastic effort situation only when persistent back pain....

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Dementia, the disease of forgetfulness

Posted by on Apr 29, 2015 in Family Planning | 0 comments

And forget to go back something is, certainly, no reason to panic, because in the age to take not only the physical but also the mental faculties from. However, the forgetfulness occurs more frequently, which can be a sign of dementia, a disease in which little by little the ego edges away. Several million older people find on the question of the date or what made them yesterday and have no answer. You suffer from dementia, which translates as means without spirit and its main risk factor is age. The most common and best known form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, in which it causes pathological changes in the brain. Therefore, this form of dementia is also known as neurodegenerative. The second most common form of dementia called vascular dementia is caused by vascular contrast, for example, as a...

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01 December 2015: World AIDS Day!

Posted by on Apr 3, 2015 in Family Planning | 0 comments

Since 1988, World AIDS Day is celebrated on December 1 of each year. The aim of this day of action WHO is to inform about the disease and the solidarity of the population of referencing affected and their families. The term AIDS (short for “Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome”, meaning “acquired immune deficiency”) refers to a weakness of the immune system, which is caused by the HIV virus (human immunodeficiency virus). It ensures that those cells which are responsible for the defense of diseases, attacked and destroyed over time. The infection varies greatly and is divided into several stages – only the last is known as AIDS. Pathogens that can easily dominate a healthy organism, then lead to serious diseases infected – so-called opportunistic infections and tumors – and eventually death. The contracting HIV via blood, semen, vaginal fluid or...

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Homeopathy for Pets

Posted by on Mar 25, 2015 in Family Planning | 0 comments

More and more people prefer so-called gentle healing methods offered by the nature with its incredibly wide variety of medicinal plants, minerals and other substances for the treatment of disorders and mood disorders. This healing methods such as classical homeopathy but today successfully used not only in humans but also common in pets. Classical homeopathy is a healing method that is based not only on the symptoms, but rather looks at the patient as a whole. The main objective here is to find out possible causes of the imbalance in the body that triggers the symptoms and to activate through the gift of similarly-acting agent’s self-healing powers of the body. This method can therefore be applied to both humans and animals, with the history of animals made much more difficult because the verbal level is missing and can be...

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Babies suffer from colds very often

Posted by on Mar 25, 2015 in Family Planning | 0 comments

Everyone knows how much a cold stressed the general well-being, but babies suffer particularly hard hit by cold and Co., and also much more likely than adults. But a cold also has a positive aspect, trained them and strengthens the immune system is not fully developed baby. Usually the first baby gets cold at the age of three to five months when the nest protection wears off through breast milk. In addition, babies begin to take at this time, more and more things in their mouths, which can also increase the risk of infection. Then have rhinovirus colds and other pathogens that are transmitted through droplets on time easy game. The immature immune system can fight off the pathogen is not as easy as in adults, and the delicate mucous membranes in the nose and throat to swell. Since...

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At the start of the tick season – effectively protect dogs

Posted by on Mar 2, 2015 in Family Planning | 0 comments

Hardly temperatures rise in the spring is clear, lurking in the grass and undergrowth again a threat to humans and dogs: Especially in the warm season ticks have high season- tick season. But already at about 10°C, they can be active, so that as of March should be taken to ensure a sufficient protection against ticks. Not only in forests or fields dogs are plagued by ticks, also in the home garden pests lurking in warm temperatures and wet weather in the grass or in the bushes. There are three different species of ticks that select the dog as a host animal. In addition to the wooden support these include the marsh tick and the immigrant from the warm south brown dog tick. Lyme disease, malaria and encephalitis dogs are typical, tick-borne diseases. As a bloodsucker ticks look on...

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