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Clean the ears with caution

Posted by on May 11, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Ear wax that sticks visible from the outside in the ear canal, not only looks unkempt, but can also lead to a blockage of the ear canal. But how can the ears clean properly without damaging the sensitive eardrum or the ear canal? Although it is perceived by many people as disgusting, has ear wax, medically referred to as cerumen, important functions in the human ear canal. The yellowish wax produced by special glands in the ear canal not only keeps the delicate skin of the ear canal moist and supple, but also protects against infection and carries dead skin cells and invading particles of dirt from the ear. For this purpose, it is composed of various fats, soaps, oils and acids that give it a waxy consistency. In addition, earwax also receives the tympanic membrane supple, about the...

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Can a worm parasite protect against autoimmune diseases?

Posted by on May 8, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Allergies and autoimmune diseases caused by a dysregulation of the immune system. Researchers have succeeded in reprogramming with intestinal parasites the relevant immune cells. Allergies, multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus type 1 – in many diseases play a role autoimmune reactions. The body directs its defense cells against itself, and it comes to excessive inflammatory responses. Researchers at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg have now found a new approach, such as autoimmune reactions can be inhibited. The unusual helper is a worm parasite. The larvae of the worm Nippostrongylus brasiliensis can protect against excessive reactions of the immune system obviously. The starting point of the experiments was the fact that occur in rare countries with lower hygiene standards autoimmune diseases. „One hypothesis is that infection with intestinal parasites, which are common in these countries, can protect against unwanted immune responses, such...

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Helps of blood donations for hypertension

Posted by on May 5, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

It has long been the bloodletting in naturopathy as spin recovery method known. Now a preliminary study at the Charité has provided evidence that blood donation can reduce high blood pressure. Conventional medicine has thus classified another method of naturopathy by a clinical study as likely to be effective. bloodletting long time belong to naturopathy to the diverting method. And also regular blood donors repeatedly report a better body image, increased performance and more vitality. Until now, the health effects of blood donation has been explored but not scientific. Now scientists have studied in a clinical pilot study, how the blood donation affects values such as blood pressure or blood lipids. These participants were taken twice at an interval four weeks approximately 300 milliliters of blood. After that, doctors have compared these results with the control group without blood...

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Keep cool with a high fever and febrile seizures in infants

Posted by on May 4, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

When the immune system has to deal with pathogens, the self-healing of the body is often supported with fever. If fever is also a natural and very sensible defensive reaction, so high fevers and febrile convulsions should be closely monitored in infants and taken seriously. Of febrile seizures that occur only when the fever thermometer reads 39 degrees Celsius, mostly babies and toddlers aged 6 months to 5 years are affected. Where boys get frequent febrile seizures than girls. Who witnessed a febrile seizure of a small child for the first time, will be very scared and worried. Especially parents react anxious and panicky, because they are often perplexed and overwhelmed. Do not know how to deal with the situation. For a febrile seizure plagued by child can fall into unconsciousness with upturned eyes. Often arms and legs are...

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Can pure oxygen relieve cluster headaches?

Posted by on May 2, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

There are 176 different types of headaches. Cluster headaches are the worst among of them. Pure oxygen can alleviate pain effectively. BFor many years, experts recommend the inhalation of pure oxygen at cluster headaches. Since 1999, the cost of the therapy be paid by health insurance. Nevertheless, their effectiveness is far known to all physicians and affected patients. A study by researchers from London and San Francisco has now provided the most compelling evidence to date for the benefit of oxygen therapy. This is likely to increase the acceptance of the therapy. Cluster headaches are among the worst headache. Although they are very rare, but especially agonizing. Female patients report that labor pains are easier to endure. Many sufferers are even so desperate that they commit suicide. The attacks occur in sudden attacks on one side of the head...

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Gnashing of teeth caused by stress

Posted by on Apr 27, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

More and more people gnashing by teeth at night. This can damage the teeth and lead to various health problems. Frequently the gnashing of teeth is caused by stress. Many people take the stresses of the day with them to sleep. A frequent consequence is bruxism. Sufferers downright bite “teeth”. Other, but rare causes of teeth grinding may be misalignments of the teeth or jaw, ill-fitting dentures or protruding tooth fillings. Approximately ten percent of Americans grind their teeth. The report by the Statistical Yearbook of the American Dental Association for 2011. Particularly frequently occurs gnashing of teeth in the age group of 35- to 45-year old. Women are more often affected than men. However, many children and young people grind their teeth also. By the gnashing of teeth threaten diverse damage. At the abrasions teeth lose substance. The...

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