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Are antibiotics useful in case of acute sinusitis?

Posted by on Apr 9, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Still, many doctors rashly prescribe for acute sinusitis antibiotics. A new study now shows, that the drug therapy has little advantage over placebo. Although the guidelines for restraint ask doctors prescribe in an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is still quite fast antibiotics. In a randomized clinical trial the researcher Jane Garbutt of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, the antibiotic amoxicillin, however, has made no clinically relevant effect. The study included 166 patients participated with acute sinusitis. They were given ten days either three times daily or placebo Amoxicillin 500mg. On the third and second days, the results do not differ in the two groups. Only on seventh day, there was a slight advantage for antibiotic therapy. Here reported 74 percent higher than a relief compared to 56 percent in the placebo group. Three days later,...

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Good intent beginning of the year – healthy without cigarettes

Posted by on Apr 6, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Many take the start in the new year the good intention to live smoke-free from now on. In order to succeed, it is important to tune soon enough for the time without cigarettes. Smoking is not healthy. The really knows everyone and yet many people catch a variety of reasons to smoking. Once you are addicted of this addiction, it is hard to escape it again. The alleged promise, the consumption of cigarettes would, inter alia, be helpful in stress or even open the door to human sociability, is more deceptive. Although the cigarette in some situations may be something in the truest sense of the word, what you can hold on to. But the insidiousness of the short-term inhalation of cigarette smoke is not only to be back soon want to smoke another cigarette, but the effects, which...

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Good resolutions for the new year: Remove few extra pounds

Posted by on Apr 3, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Among the most common New Year’s resolutions taken at all include the famous “Few Extra” that want to be sure to get rid motivated next year forever. So how do you manage to resist temptation and to remain permanently slim? “Next year I renounce completely on candy, go jogging every day and eat after 16 clock in the afternoon nothing more.” Who holds such lofty intentions, fails either very quickly or lose the pleasure of eating. For this reason, it is better to not be too hard on,aim at but a realistic goal. It is recommended that this be set down in writing and so virtually set up a contract with yourself. In this way, one is forced to call their own desires concrete and it can be – call again to mind – at low lows. Also, it...

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HDL Cholesterol: “The Good Cholesterol” but no heart protector?

Posted by on Apr 3, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

In contrast to LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol is considered to be cardioprotective. But a new gene study about its cardioprotective effects causes doubt. Cholesterol are lipids intended to transported to different parts of the body to be able to bind certain proteins. These compounds are called lipoproteins of lipids and proteins. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) transports cholesterol in to the tissues where it is needed as a building block of membranes, but also deposit in the vessel walls and can promote atherosclerosis. Therefore, a high LDL level is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) refers to excess cholesterol from the body cells and brings it to the liver. Therefore, it is considered to be cardioprotective. That the reduction of the so-called “bad” LDL cholesterol can actually reduce the rate of myocardial infarction. This has been proven by...

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With motion fit and health in the new year

Posted by on Mar 31, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

At the end of each year we like to look back on the past. What was it, what can you do better? We usually start with good intentions in the new year. Reason enough to continue to pay attention to more exercise. We all know the drill: The duties of everyday life often leave little time for other things. The day’s work is done at the end of a long day, you fall into bed tired. At most, remains in the evening perhaps a little more time to turn on the TV to receive an update on the day’s news from the news or watch a movie. It hobbies often fall short, pleasant social gathering with friends or family must be carefully coordinated with the schedule. In addition, to find time for the conscious use of the body, many...

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Modified stress and the activity of our genes?

Posted by on Mar 31, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

That can lead to physical and emotional stress disorders, is known. But if even a short-term stress can affect the activity of our genes, researchers wanted to find out. In previous studies could already be shown that incriminating experiences and psychological trauma at an early age can eventually lead to an altered DNA methylation. Now scientists want to find out together whether acute stress, and not only short-term stress affects on the activity of our genes. Which genes of our genetic material can be read depends on so-called epigenetic information. These include methyl groups that attach themselves to certain sections of the DNA and prevent a gene read, so it can take effect. The scientists studied two DNA segments that are important for biological stress regulation: the gene for the oxytocin receptor and for the nerve growth factor BDNF...

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