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Can Qigong improve the quality of life of cancer patients?

Posted by on Apr 15, 2016 in Mental health | 0 comments

A recent study examined whether Qigong can improve the quality of life of cancer patients. The results are encouraging. More and more people survive after malignant cancer. But treatments and disease often leave their mark and can also permanently restrict the quality of life of affected. Qigong can be used both, during the therapy, as well as, its aftermath are provide a better quality of life. In any case about this is report many cancer patients who have had experiences with Qigong. A study has systematically investigated the effects of Qigong on the quality of life on cancer patients. This is QiGong – “Qi” meaning energy and “Gong” meaning cultivation. Therefore QiGong could be translated as “energy cultivation”. Qigong combines movement, breathing, concentration and meditation exercises. The awareness during the exercises should also lead to a greater awareness in...

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Too much work causes depression

Posted by on Apr 6, 2016 in Mental health | 0 comments

Who works in the long term more than two hours a day, doubled his risk of suffering from severe depression. This is the result of a study by American scientists. Burn out, stress at work, more and more days of absence – People seem increasingly to suffer from work-related stress. Experts estimate that about 30 percent of the working population are at risk of chronic fatigue. Now an American study has found: Three or more work hours overtime a day increase the risk of mental illness, particularly severe depression. Researchers gathered the data of 1626 men and 497 women over a period up to 7.2 years. Initially it was ruled that the workers were suffering even before the study psychological discomfort. During the observation period, 3.1 percent of the study participants developed a severe depression. It was found that...

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Burn out, stress, depression – how much suffering with the skin?

Posted by on Mar 20, 2016 in Mental health | 0 comments

Stress also affects the skin. So can mental stress trigger or worsen skin disorders? Many sufferers help coping strategies. Stress gets under your skin. Dermatologists diagnose increasingly psychological discomfort as causes of skin diseases. Playing in every fourth patient with skin problems according to experts, mental problems a role. No wonder, then, that increase with the accumulation of burnout and depression, the skin diseases. But there is some good news: Studies suggest that stress management techniques can often improve the skin’s appearance and the quality of life of those affected. That the skin starts with stressful situations and inner tension, “crazy” to play, and reacts with itching or an increased tendency to pimples, probably know many. The fact that depression often occur in connection with dermatological diseases, recently completed a study of the School of Medicine of Osijek in...

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More and more people suffering from stress?

Posted by on Mar 14, 2016 in Mental health | 0 comments

The Americans always feel stressed and many of them are at risk of burnout. However, as stress-inducing situations can not always go out of the way, it makes sense to work on their own dealing with stress. The term burnout is on everyone’s lips. But it’s more than a buzzword. Many people suffer from the total “burnout” and often it is a precursor to a genuine depression. Burn out or the sensation of being stressed out, can arise by time pressure and excessive demands, as well as by internal and external conflicts, or not getting enough recognition. How urgent the problem is, show various studies. Thus, according to a recent study the number of burn out cases increased since 2004 by nearly 1,400 percent. The people feel bad in their lives and could not cope with increasing frequency in...

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Does meditation help against loneliness?

Posted by on Feb 25, 2016 in Mental health | 0 comments

Meditation can reduce stress and enhance state of relaxation. But obviously, this technique can do much more, as a new study now shows. Loneliness is not just a feeling, but also an important health risk factor. Loneliness can trigger depression and other mental illnesses, and also leads many people to increased stress levels, which, in turn, is involved in the development of various diseases. Particularly elderly often suffer from loneliness. In the modern world, as well, as younger people are increasingly affected. A small study has now shown, that a specific form of meditation – MBSR – can not only reduce the inflammation markers in the blood, but also alleviate feelings of loneliness. MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) is a popular combined form of meditation, the Far Eastern exercises and modern medical knowledge. The “coping with stress through mindfulness” has...

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Modified mindfulness meditation and the brain structures

Posted by on Feb 12, 2016 in Mental health | 0 comments

Even after eight weeks of regular practice of mindfulness meditation occur measurable changes in the brain. This is the result of a study of American neurologists. The researchers want to verify reports that mindfulness meditation leads not only for relaxation and a sense of inner peace, but also could cause cognitive and psychological improvements. In their study, they published in the journal “Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging”, they could first prove changes in the gray matter of the brain through meditation. Mindfulness meditation may therefore seem not only can reduce stress, but is also accompanied by structural changes in the brain. For the study, the subjects received an intensive eight-week mindfulness meditation program. Moreover, the brain structures of the participants, by means of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were performed at study start and end were measured. It turned out that the,...

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