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If you leave hair in the spring …

Posted by on Dec 31, 2015 in Beauty | 0 comments

Hair is much more than just decorating. For men and women they are signs of youth and health. No wonder, then, that just hair loss can grow into a real burden that raises many questions. Often in the spring, whan you start leave hair. Around five million hair man has on his head. On average there are less at redheads, while blonde can look forward to more hair. For blonde hair is fine. The darker the hair, the thicker it gets. Total hair grow throughout life. However, the single hair has a limited life span of two to six years. During this time it is growing every day a little less than half a millimeter, but not consistently. At the end of its life, the hair does not grow a few months and then falls out when the next...

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Selenium against cancer: Myth?

Posted by on Dec 31, 2015 in Health | 0 comments

The question of whether can protect selenium against cancer of prostate has different answers. A meta-analysis now provides evidence for a beneficial effect. But, obviously, the effect will depend on the correct dose of selenium. Studies, which have prove the effect of selenium against cancer developing were examined, but so far we have conflicting results. So the SELECT study (“Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial”) stopped prematurely after five years, because seemed that the intake of 200 micrograms of selenium per day have no influence on the risk of disease. In contrast, a web analytics of the NPC study (“Nutritional Prevention of Cancer”) came to the conclusion that the same dose could reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 52 percent. However, the protective effect in the NPC study was limited to a specific risk group of patients with cancer,...

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Spring fever: an issue for all ages

Posted by on Dec 28, 2015 in Mental health | 0 comments

Spring fever are often mocked. He who walks with rising temperatures courting, can almost be sure that the environment describes his behavior with spring fever. But what’s really behind it and the feelings are very young people subject? As soon as the days get longer, the content of the hormone melatonin decreases. The “sleep hormone”, which in the cold and dark winter months especially likely paralyzes most people now recedes into the background and leaves room for enjoyment of life. This can lead to euphoric emotional outbursts, but raises total guaranteed the mood. The thyroid reacts and the organism is in the spring then correspondingly more active. This has an effect on the personal mood. However, the most important factor is the environment assign: Finally now begin the first flowers to bloom and the green trees replaced the somber...

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How much legumes are helpful?

Posted by on Dec 27, 2015 in Nutrition | 0 comments

Many doctors and diabetologists recommend eating legumes. How useful they actually are, now a randomized clinical test has shown. Beans, lentils and Co. are especially recommended, because of their property of slow digested and their high fiber content. A study that was recently published, now could show that legumes can reduce blood pressure and HbA 1c value effectively. In the study take a part 121 patients with type 2 diabetes. The subjects were divided into two group. A one of them should consume daily at least one cup of cooked beans, chickpeas, lentils or other legumes. The other should pay attention only to the consumption of whole grains. Legumes significantly lower blood pressure. Study leader David Jenkins announced that all study participants were able to lose their excess weight. They reduced the calorie intake, eating less fats and more...

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Pollen in April – a serious burden

Posted by on Dec 25, 2015 in Health | 0 comments

The symptoms come literally out of the blue nose is running, watering eyes, headache and body aches occur. What announces itself as a cold, is often a reaction to pollen flying. The allergy is there and does not remain rarely last for months until the pollen count is completed. The pollen begins in January with alder and hazel and ends in October with many grasses. Some of them are considered particularly aggressive, although emanating from them for healthy individuals usually no danger. feared and recorded with an upward trend are rapeseed and ambrosia as allergy occurrence. Pollen in  April-thet is high season, so allergy sufferers are affected in the worst case delivered all pollen types. Often there are allergies to several trees and grasses on together. It being understood that further aggravate allergies over the years, but can also...

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