Acupuncture helps prevent vomiting in children?
On average, each child suffers once or twice a year from diarrhea and vomiting. This can even be continued as part of a gastrointestinal flu. But acupressure or acupuncture can counteract at vomiting. Acupuncture or acupressure is a healing method of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The acupuncture point is treat nausea and vomiting and it called pericardium 6 (P6) and Neiguan. Already, several studies have shown that stimulation of the pericardium 6-point in children can prevent nausea and vomiting after general anesthesia. However, no data yet for the treatment of infantile vomiting and about it’s existence as part of a gastrointestinal flu (gastroenteritis). But a study by researchers shows that acupuncture in children can stop the vomiting effectively and even replace the use of drugs. Children responds well to the influence of acupuncture. For the study, acupuncture was tested...
Read MoreCracks on the feet: What is it, what can I do?
With cracks on the feet very painful in the skin. You can penetrate all layers of the skin, in the worst case and accompanied by inflammatory processes. Basically, those chaps are available in many locations and have different causes. Treatment is always necessary. To fissures occur when the skin has lost its elasticity. There are a number of possible causes: Dibridge cornea Very Dry Skin Deformities Ill-fitting footwear Advanced age Skin diseases Chronic diseases with skin involvement (eg. as diabetes) Cracks not drop the affected initially to often. Who has once established itself, should control from now on his feet regularly. Seniors who do not reach the skin for care are in good hands with a podiatrist. Are the fissures already painful, bleeding or wet, it’s time to see a doctor. Rapid treatment of fissures is important. Cracks should...
Read MoreHepatitis C therapy with help of oxygen
A new study by American researchers showed that an oxygen-ozone mixture can reduce the symptoms of chronic hepatitis C. More than 25 percent of patients were on free therapy of hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis C is an inflammation of the liver that is transmitted primarily through blood or blood products, less often through sexual intercourse. In addition to chronic alcohol abuse Hepatitis C is the second most common cause of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Acute hepatitis C can be treated with several months of combination therapy with ribavirin and interferon alpha, which blocks the replication of hepatitis C virus. New studies presents another option in treating of Hepatitis C and that is a therapy with pure oxygen. Already for a long time in medicine known antiviral and fungicidal action of gaseous ozone-oxygen mixtures. A new study has now...
Read MoreCellulite – unloved dimples on thighs and buttocks
Spring is here, the swimming season is approaching, and countless women begin their annual program against cellulite. What really helps against dents on bottom and thighs – or should we better get used simultaneously with the small dimples? A round butt and smooth legs – what woman does not dream of a toned body? The reality is different: more than 90 percent of the female population are more or less affected by cellulite – whether big or small, rich or lean. Responsible are simply anatomical conditions, because women have a relatively thin top and a relatively flexible leather skin. Sitting in the subcutis many (compared to men more) fat cells that form the so-called fat chambers and become visible as dimples. Also, estrogen, the female hormone ensures that fat preferably intercalates in women at hips, buttocks and thighs. This...
Read MoreHow nasal irrigation help with sinusitis?
In chronic sinusitis nasal irrigation with saltwater it’s a sensible addition to the symptomatic therapy. This is confirmed by experts. The effect of the salt water shower (SNI saline nasal irrigation) on acute and chronic sinusitis (rhinosinusitis) was investigated in numerous studies. The results, however, were partly contradictory. Now the otolaryngologists have reviewed the international literature on the subject and published their results. According to doctors, the use of the nasal irrigation especially in chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is worthwhile. In addition, all professional associations agreed that the SNI is “a useful complement” in the symptomatic treatment of chronic sinusitis. In acute rhinosinusitis, however possibly limits the efficacy of nasal irrigation. Improve chronic rhinosinusitis symptoms with nasal irrigation. According the view of researchers in the nasal irrigation important not only the correct amount of procedure but also the proper technique....
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