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Healthy well into next year – with a balanced diet

Posted by on Mar 28, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

“Serve your body well, so that the soul desire to live in it.” True to this saying of  Winston Churchill take it, many people especially the year again paying special attention in the future more on a balanced diet. Undisputed is the fact that a full meal or avoiding obesity promotes physical and mental well-being as well as many diseases – such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers – can prevent. But what is a balanced diet? Endless great is the offer of information intensively advertised nutritional supplements and new foods on the market. In addition, the scandals about rotten meat to accumulate. And: everyone is different. The food, which one lusted day, excited a hair bristling on the other. The one you love meat, the next vegan diet and waives all animal. In addition,...

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Happy new year – with more zest for life

Posted by on Mar 25, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Probably exists in every human desire, full of energy, optimism and joy to go through life. In the spring we experience these emotional states often – first rays of the sun and the awakening natural rub off on our mind. But how can the longed zest for life will last a lifetime? Contentment, serenity, even happiness – anyone can think of anything under these terms. Describe this kind feelings, however, can be difficult, especially since they are perceived individually different. The triggers are different: Positive events, enriching encounters or experiences of nature are just a few of the many ways to create a deep sense of wellbeing. However, this requires a internal readiness to embark on beautiful things. Who is always looking for the hook on any matter or herself admits no joyful experience, is more capable of experiencing...

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Can sport change the DNA?

Posted by on Mar 23, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Sport is health. But apparently it’s effects even richer than previously thought. Thus, adequate exercise apparently solve blocking deposits of the DNA of the muscle. Already a short time sporting movement can solve counter blockades in the muscle cells.This allows genes are transcribed as previously. The researchers have found this in tests attended by 14 healthy men and women. First, the scientists studied participants cell samples from the thigh muscle. Then the subjects had to train on a bicycle ergometer until they had burned 400 kilocalories. This lasted, depending on the power level which is between 30 minutes and an hour. Immediately after the end of training and three hours later, the researchers took cell sample the participants again. It turned out that the intensive movements could solve deposits of the DNA on the muscle during exercise, which blocked...

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Throat pain: Causes, prevention and rapid assistance

Posted by on Mar 19, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Colds announce themselves in many people with unpleasant scratching and discomfort in the throat. Frequently, this symptom is a consequence of cold, wet feet and a sign that cold bacteria and viruses have struck. Whether and to help home remedies which depends on the cause. Sore throat is a symptom, not a disease for themselves. The cause may be a virus, flu, or even may cause a runny nose, usually a bacterial tonsillitis, excessively long stay in nicotine-saturated or dry air or cooling down by draft. When combined with a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, and high fever it is high time to see a doctor. As a rule, namely announced as a respiratory infection, which goes beyond an annoying but harmless cold. Flu, throat or even pneumonia are then possibly coming. Caution must be exercised when the lymph...

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Can Yoga relieve abdominal pain in children?

Posted by on Mar 17, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Not only adults can do yoga, and children tend to have fun. One study even shows, that yoga exercises can relieve abdominal pain in children. American researchers have investigated whether yoga can reduce abdominal pain and irritable bowel symptoms in children effectively. The scientists have studied 20 children, aged eight to 18 years, who suffered from functional abdominal pain or irritable bowel syndrome. The children took part in ten yoga classes. Meanwhile, they should note the frequency and the intensity of their pain was noted in a pain diary. Moreover, their quality of life was measured by using a questionnaire. The study showed, that the frequency of complaints by the yoga significantly improved in all children. The intensity of pain decreased in all children, in the most recent time. After three months, you could still find a significant reduction...

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Can problems in the jaw provoke pain throughout the body?

Posted by on Mar 11, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Many people, who suffer from unclear pain, also have problems with the masticatory system. Studies suggest that a interconnection may exist. Problems in the jaw area, as cracking joints, limited mouth opening, sensitiveness or abraded of teeth by constant clenching of the teeth are widespread. In the American study almost half of the approximately 7,000 participants was affected. Experts speak about these complaints of a craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD). The causes of CMD are diverse. They range from undesirable developments through injuries and joint diseases through the psychological reasons. In some affected patients the symptoms may affect on quality of life strong. They, usually, suffer from pain or discomfort in the face, head or neck; but it can also cause dizziness, blurred vision, or back pain. The trigeminal nerve as a communications hub. Studies indicate, that there are other consequences....

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