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With motion fit and health in the new year

Posted by on Mar 31, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

At the end of each year we like to look back on the past. What was it, what can you do better? We usually start with good intentions in the new year. Reason enough to continue to pay attention to more exercise. We all know the drill: The duties of everyday life often leave little time for other things. The day’s work is done at the end of a long day, you fall into bed tired. At most, remains in the evening perhaps a little more time to turn on the TV to receive an update on the day’s news from the news or watch a movie. It hobbies often fall short, pleasant social gathering with friends or family must be carefully coordinated with the schedule. In addition, to find time for the conscious use of the body, many...

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Modified stress and the activity of our genes?

Posted by on Mar 31, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

That can lead to physical and emotional stress disorders, is known. But if even a short-term stress can affect the activity of our genes, researchers wanted to find out. In previous studies could already be shown that incriminating experiences and psychological trauma at an early age can eventually lead to an altered DNA methylation. Now scientists want to find out together whether acute stress, and not only short-term stress affects on the activity of our genes. Which genes of our genetic material can be read depends on so-called epigenetic information. These include methyl groups that attach themselves to certain sections of the DNA and prevent a gene read, so it can take effect. The scientists studied two DNA segments that are important for biological stress regulation: the gene for the oxytocin receptor and for the nerve growth factor BDNF...

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Is ginseng reduced fatigue symptoms?

Posted by on Mar 29, 2016 in Nutrition | 0 comments

Many patients who are receiving cancer treatment, suffer from fatigue. One American study found that ginseng can alleviate the chronic fatigue. Fatigue is an enormously increased exhaustion, which often occurs as a side effect of cancer therapy. An American study has now investigated the effect of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) on the symptoms. Professor Debra L. Barton of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota presented the results of the Phase III study in the meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in June 2012. It showed that high dose of ginseng, administered over two months, could reduce the fatigue better than a placebo. Participants from the ginseng group reported that they feel less exhausted, worn out, tired and listless. In the study 364 patients receiving cancer therapy or they had already behind him, daily received either 2000 milligrams...

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Healthy well into next year – with a balanced diet

Posted by on Mar 28, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

“Serve your body well, so that the soul desire to live in it.” True to this saying of  Winston Churchill take it, many people especially the year again paying special attention in the future more on a balanced diet. Undisputed is the fact that a full meal or avoiding obesity promotes physical and mental well-being as well as many diseases – such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers – can prevent. But what is a balanced diet? Endless great is the offer of information intensively advertised nutritional supplements and new foods on the market. In addition, the scandals about rotten meat to accumulate. And: everyone is different. The food, which one lusted day, excited a hair bristling on the other. The one you love meat, the next vegan diet and waives all animal. In addition,...

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NADH – a new treatment option for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson?

Posted by on Mar 27, 2016 in Nutrition | 0 comments

In the US, NADH is considered cure for stress and exhaustion and an effective memory booster. Studies suggest that coenzyme actually support the memory and even can limit the impact of neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. There are still no effective drugs against Alzheimer’s, and although some drugs can limit the effects of Parkinson’s disease. Many patients still must suffer from severe physical impairments, caused by the disease. Recent research shows that in both diseases, the mitochondria, the energy suppliers of the cells, could have a positive impact. Various substances can support the mitochondria in their work. An important role is played by the NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrogen). NADH is a coenzyme of the active vitamin B3 (niacin) and is often referred as a coenzyme 1. It is found in all body cells. NADH is involved...

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