Best protection against ticks for dogs and cats
A tick infestation is more than unappetizing. In fact Ticks are blood-sucking parasites that can transmit a number of diseases. Particularly at risk are dogs and cats. Those who are informed about habitat and defensive measures to protect not only his pets, but ultimately themselves. Ticks are not insects, but arachnids are assigned to. They are also blood-sucking parasites and thus in principle with mosquitoes comparable. The crucial difference, however, is that ticks can absorb considerably more blood. Are they completely soaked, they weigh 200 times more than the empty and hungry state. For this purpose, they can remain in their host up to 15 days. Have they taken enough blood, they drop. It ticks are survivalists. In the wild, they can survive up to five years without food. Tick bites are not generally dangerous to pets if the...
Read MoreAdult Dating – condoms and lubricants
Whether against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, condoms offer double safety. But only if they are used properly and are not damaged. Especially with simultaneous use of lubricant thus caution is advised. But what exactly condoms and lubricants you need? In times of safer sex make condoms is one of the most common methods of contraception. For applied correctly they not only protect against pregnancy, but also prevent the transmission of diseases like HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, and infection with human papillomavirus, or chlamydia. This Condoms are available without a prescription in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes and thicknesses. For example, thin condoms are effective with a wall thickness of only about 0.05 mm particularly natural feeling. Thicker condoms provide greater certainty, however, since they are less prone to cracking. Some condoms are also coated with a special,...
Read MoreTips against sunstroke in seniors
Sun feels good! Seniors enjoy the warm rays usually particularly. Pain in the joints are relieved, the heat also relaxes tense muscles and calms the nerves. However, threatens with a sunstroke a serious risk that can be significantly reduced with the right background knowledge. If the head is exposed to excessive and prolonged sun exposure, sunstroke is not far off. Here also the neck is at risk, so a hat alone is not enough as protection. In a sunstroke, there is a about irritation of the meninges and as a result the whole organism reacts. A sunstroke can run different weights, at worst lead to death. The main symptoms are: Flushed face skin Headaches Dizziness Neck stiffness Nausea Shallow breathing Possible unconsciousness The sunstroke is not to be confused with the heat stroke is accompanied by other symptoms, but...
Read MoreSun protection for babies and children
Run and play outdoors without the hassle of jackets and heavy shoes – especially children flourish in summer. However, children’s skin and is particularly sensitive to sunlight. A good protection is therefore extremely important. The younger a person is, the less his skin is able to ward off damaging influences such as UV rays. One reason is the small production of brown dye melatonin – a protective pigment, which prevents the sun’s rays like a shield. The skin of babies and young children is thin; both the function of the sebaceous glands and the acid mantle are still weak. Nevertheless stays outdoors important for children: Regular play, climb and run promotes not only the development but is also necessary for the production of vitamin D. An adequate sun protection is therefore particularly important for children. A shady spot. According...
Read MoreMedicines for children: What you must have?
That children are not small adults, еhey should not get the same medication as adults. Nevertheless, they still often get even today, despite new EU Directive drugs that have been tested only in adults. Here, children react to many drugs differently. Whether high fever in a middle ear infection or a severe gastrointestinal infections: Which medications from the medicine cabinet, you may give your child safely? Similar problems physicians have also if they want to their young patients have prescribe right medication. There are now a number of Children drugs , for which evidence regarding the effects and possible side effects. However, most of the prescription and nonprescription medications, certainly understandable ethnic grounds, has only been tested in adult volunteers. Physicians and pediatricians must therefore convert the doses on the age and weight of the child with a lot...
Read MoreIncreases regular wine consumption, life expectancy?
The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans knew about the special abilities of the wine. They used it as strengthening, sleep and pain killers. And even with gastrointestinal problems or for disinfecting wounds wine was used thousands of years ago. But what makes this ancient beverage of people healing? Chemically, wine there is to almost 90 percent water. In the last 10 percent hiding in addition to sugar, glycerin and various organic acids, alcohol, phytochemicals and essential minerals and trace elements. So one or two glasses of wine were already sufficient, for example, to meet the daily requirement of magnesium, potassium and iron. But wine not only helps balance all minerals, but also actively supports health. Lower regular wine consumption demonstrably the risk for cardiovascular disease, wine consumption has a positive effect on life expectancy. However, it is important the...
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