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Two in one – gentle treatment of heart disease thanks to hybrid OR

Posted by on Aug 28, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

The hybrid OR is the operating room, which is equipped with modern medical imaging, such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Angiography Systems equipped. In the treatment of heart disease this corresponds to a cardiac surgery operating room with integrated cath lab. Surgeons, radiologists and cardiologists work hand in hand and be able to diagnose and treat at the same time if it’s necessary. Minimally Invasive implementation of artificial heart valves. A few clinics in already have these ultra-modern operating rooms, which offer a variety of gentle treatment options. Here, for example, artificial heart valves can be used with the aid of a catheter in a minimally invasive. The artificial heart valve is folded and attached to a catheter that is inserted through a small incision in groin or chest through an artery to the heart. An...

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Stay healthy – protect yourself from the flu!

Posted by on Aug 25, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Easy and Fun against viruses Dopey! During the winter months flu and common colds are booming. If caught yourself with clapboard, scratchy throat and heavy limbs through the day. Then why so many people fall ill, has several reasons. On the one hand the cold season extended the infectivity of the virus, on the other hand the public transport system are clearly full. Tightly sitting people create situation when the viruses have an easy time finding a victim. Another factor is that the body in the cold slows the blood flow in the nose and throat to prevent heat loss. Thereby, the blood vessels are not quickly pull together enough if you come from a heated room to fresh air. The result: the defensive front in the mucous membranes is full of holes, the immune system is weakened. Flu...

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New method for mirroring of the bile ducts

Posted by on Aug 23, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

The bile ducts are a delicate transition system through which the bile is transported from their place of origin, the liver, to the intestine. Here it performs important work in digestion, especially fatty foods. Because the bile ducts are very close and branched, imaging techniques for the diagnosis of diseases such as biliary strictures, gallstones or tumors for modern medical devices are a challenge. In routine medical bile ducts could be represented only indirectly through X-ray technology, which made it difficult a detailed diagnosis and treatment. Using the so-called “direct cholangioscopy” biliary tract disease can be detected not only better, but also treated in the same step. The advantages of the method. How can biliary tract disease previously diagnosed? Research method is currently the so-called “endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). In this case, in anesthetized patients an endoscope will be...

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Is there any protection against Ebola?

Posted by on Aug 20, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Ebola is the “plague of the modern era”. But Ebola is as dangerous and there is really what protection against infection? These questions are answered below. Ebola is a viral disease and a zoonosis. This means that the disease is transmitted from animals to humans. Bats in the southern Sahara carry the virus, but the disease itself usually only slightly. And apes may become infected. It is believed that the infected monkeys ate fruit for which the bats had contact. People also stuck at in this way, or through the consumption of diseased animals. Person to person transmission of the often-fatal disease is only possible via body fluids. Most infections from person to person via direct contact with the deceased who are highly infectious. There are five types of Ebola, where mortality is different high. What are the symptoms...

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AIDS transmission and HIV infection: prejudices and facts

Posted by on Aug 20, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

HIV and AIDS call in us a particular fear. Opposite HIV-positive people there is still reluctance the part of society. In today’s blog post some known prejudices and fears will be reviewed. 1. HIV and AIDS are the same. No. When one speaks of a HIV-positive people, you usually mean that when this person an HIV infection is present, but that disease, the mean AIDS (certain so-called opportunistic infections and tumors), are not yet available. For this purpose, the immune system must have been weakened by the HIV virus in the course after the infection. 2. It detects when a person is HIV-positive. No. Whether someone is infected by the HIV virus, can not be recognized. If in diseases that match AIDS manifestations, actual HIV infection is based, can only be determined by an HIV test. 3. Each sex...

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Dealing with alcohol

Posted by on Aug 17, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Alcohol – addiction or pleasure? Alcohol enjoys wide acceptance in our society, not least because it is in this country legally. The fact that nevertheless is a drug that is forgotten. Dancing, football matches, open air festivals or parties you can not imagine without alcohol. They belong to each other seemingly simple and the selection of mixed drinks is huge. Who does not drink alcohol, is regarded as stuffy, because alcohol makes fun and easy and also helps while relaxing. But where is the limit? Where the consumption of alcohol brings risks? Surprisingly, the limit is lower than you might think. Risky use of alcohol begins when one day consumed more than 2 glasses (as a man) or a glass a day (as a woman) to more than 5 days a week. It is based on the so-called standard...

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