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Let the New Year – with less stress

Posted by on Jul 16, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Who does not now and then complains of stress, is now one of nearly a minority, because as good as everyone feels more or less frequently overwhelmed – from schoolchildren to the elderly. What are the reasons for this and how can you reduce stress permanently? First, a few facts: The word “stress” has existed since the 1930s, whereas the physical phenomenon arose behind the term with the beginning of human existence. Biological evolution is a reaction of the body to danger or a particular challenge. Pulse and respiratory rate to rise,muscle tone increases, stress hormones are released and the senses are sharpened, energy is released. In short, all power is centered, so we run away either, or to face the danger, that is able to fight. Particular challenges go this alarm the body forward today; the big difference...

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Can Yoga reduce the incidence of atrial fibrillation?

Posted by on Jul 10, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Regular yoga exercises may seem to reduce the incidence of atrial fibrillation. This is indicated by a small study of American Scientists. The study of cardiologists Dr. Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy from Kansas City participated 49 patients suffering from paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. They were asked, initially for three months to move more while pursuing an activity that made them fun. Thereafter, the patients were three times a week at a Yoga Program, which also contained breathing and relaxation exercises and a meditation part. The exercises should be performed daily at home. During the study, by a monitor, the subjects wore with them, their heart function checked. It was found that during the period in which the patients took part in the yoga training, the frequency of episodes of atrial fibrillation was reduced by almost 50 percent. 22 percent of those affected...

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Shoulder pain – annoying but curable with the right therapy

Posted by on Jul 10, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

If any movement of the arms causes severe pain, the cause may lie in the shoulder joint. Whether, shoulder pain can thereby have very many causes, but which can be treated most successfully thanks to modern methods of therapy and experienced doctors due to injury, strain or wear. The greatest mobility, joint in the human body, the shoulder joint is not like many other joints stabilized by bone, but only by ligaments, tendons and muscles. An important role is played by the so-called rotator cuff, a muscle sheath, tendons connect the upper arm to the shoulder blade. The interplay of these muscles and tendons allows you to raise your arm and rotate so that almost any position can be achieved. However, this design principle makes the shoulder also very prone to problems when individual components of the complex shoulder...

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Nosebleeds – mostly harmless symptom of a strained nose

Posted by on Jul 7, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Many people know the feeling when the handkerchief suddenly turns red after a sneezing or blowing your nose. But nosebleeds often looks worse than it is, and can be stopped quickly with the right measures. Epistaxis, referred to in the art as epistaxis is usually triggered by vascular injury to the nose. It is available in almost 80 percent of all cases of injury in the anterior nasal septum cause of epistaxis, because that this area is heavily loaded in everyday life and also has a sensitive near-surface venous plexus, which is sometimes already damaged by a powerful blow your nose. However, the bleeding stops in these cases often short-term and the lost blood volume is very low. Otherwise it look for light red splashes, arterial epistaxis, which is caused by an arterial injury in the posterior nasal area...

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Hemorrhoids: a painful taboo

Posted by on Jun 30, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Almost one in three Americans is suffering from hemorrhoids. For many it is uncomfortable to talk to a doctor about the problems and even in your family or friends are hemorrhoids a taboo subject, often is therefore too late searched for help and complaints are intensifying. Basically, everyone has hemorrhoids, but they do not always cause discomfort. Here, a dense network of veins is referred to as hemorrhoids, which is covered by mucosa and is located directly in front of the anus. Together with the sphincter, it ensures that the intestine is sealed to the outside. Only when the veins enlarge it comes to complaints, which are called hemorrhoids or popularly known as hemorrhoids. The occurrence of hemorrhoids it is favored by a hereditary connective tissue, obesity, pregnancy and age. In addition promote especially wrong diet and lifestyle low...

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For diabetics, proper skin care is especially important

Posted by on Jun 27, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Diabetics must regularly monitor their blood sugar levels and follow strict guidelines regarding their diet. Not only that, the skin of diabetics is pulled by the disease in affected and requires special care to prevent illness. Dry, itchy skin may be one of the first signs of incipient diabetes, under the in America about 8 million people. The body tries to excrete their excess sugar in the urine and to lose so increased water. As a result, the body and the skin will dry out. In addition, diabetes is harmful for the nerves, including those that control the sweat and sebum of the skin. As a result, the skin its fat and moisture content no longer sufficient to regulate, it dries out and their natural defenses are lowered. In addition, elevated glucose levels damage in addition to the nerves...

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