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Good vision in old age

Posted by on Aug 14, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

We are visual people – the eye gives us more impressions from our environment than any other sense organ. If the vision impaired, we feel quickly cut off from the world. The modern technical aids in everyday life, such as smart phone or tablet computer poses major demands on our eyes. Modern medicine provides innovative examination and treatment methods a comprehensive range of diagnostics and therapy, even for complex diseases. Through the latest medical technology, medicine is able to offer to patients the full range of diagnostic and therapeutic. New methods of treatment using the latest medical technology. With the aid of special laser systems are extremely thin pieces of fabric – the cornea is only half a millimeter thick – implanted into the eyes of patients. Even more difficult is when the cornea of the patient has only...

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With diabetes on the road – you should make sure

Posted by on Aug 7, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

The holiday period is for many people the best time of the year. Whether at home or away from home, holiday means to relax and recover from the stress of everyday life. This is also true for diabetics, which are open with the right preparation and remote destinations. Unfortunately, diabetics can not go on holiday they have the disease, but only with their disease. Thanks to modern equipment but is a journey with diabetes today an insurmountable problem more. However, the disease requires careful preparation to experience any unpleasant or even dangerous surprises on holiday. So should, if the destination is established, start time with the travel arrangements. Firstly, there is a detailed discussion with the doctor who informed about necessary vaccinations. In addition to the standard vaccinations for diabetics can also hepatitis A and B vaccination be useful,...

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Colon cancer – the silent threat

Posted by on Aug 2, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Around 70,000 people are diagnosed with colon cancer every year in US. This is makes it the third most common cancer after breast and prostate cancer. What makes it so particularly dangerous: it has no symptoms in its early stages and is often only discovered when the disease is already well advanced. This cancer is often curable if it is detected early enough. Colon cancer is called a malignant tumor in the colon or the rectum both tumor types are summarized under the term Colorectal cancer. However in the small intestine tumors occur very rarely. The development of colon cancer is now extremely well researched. It’s usually starts from an initially benign lesion of the intestinal mucosa, called polyps. Because of repeated gene changes (mutations) cancer cells form that proliferate uncontrollably. Does it eventually lead to symptoms such as...

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Alternatives to joint replacement: treat hip pain minimally invasive

Posted by on Jul 27, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Pain or restricted movement in the hips are one of the most common reasons why patients visit their orthopedists. In approximately 220,000 cases per year result in discomfort in the hip in US used an artificial hip joint. What many patients do not know: There is a whole range of joint-preserving treatment methods. Begin these therapies in time, can by means of gentle minimally invasive procedures a variety of ailments can be effectively alleviated. The implantation of an artificial hip joint (hip replacement) is then no longer or only at a much later date often necessary. Arthroscopy of the hip as a routine procedure. A particular focus of the clinic is the joint-keeping operations. Hip arthroscopy or arthroscopy is a method by which you can treat many diseases of the hip. Arthroscopy of the hip requires a great deal...

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Fasting as treat for body and soul

Posted by on Jul 22, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Already more than two thousand years, the ancient Greeks knew about the healing effects of fasting. Today, people try to compensate by fasting the stress of an unhealthy diet. But what really brings fasting for body and soul and who is it for? Not infrequently determine the hustle and bustle of our everyday life. And in their spare time, hardly anyone takes the time to do something for yourself. No wonder that many people feel tired and exhausted. Addition, they often wrong eating habits that hit to the stomach, affecting digestion or precipitate as unwanted kilos at the hips. High time to change that. To get here, body and soul back into balance, may help in the short-term food intake is set completely or at least partially, for example, a juice fast. Because as a result of the fast...

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Interdental brushes for thorough dental care

Posted by on Jul 19, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Caries and gum infections are the main causes of premature tooth loss. In order to protect the teeth against is not just a regular checkup at the dentist’s important, but also the daily dental care. In addition to brushing and flossing. This will also interdental brushes have proved that allow a thorough cleaning between the teeth. Pain, bleeding gums and holes in the teeth are often the result of a disturbed oral flora, because the oral cavity is colonized by a variety of microorganisms. These are usually located in a natural balance, but which can be disturbed by a number of factors. For example, eating habits, taking certain medications, and poor oral hygiene can lead to an excessive increase in microorganisms. As a result, store bacteria and other organisms as off-white, adherent coatings above all on the teeth. It...

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