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How much overweight harm children’s health?

Posted by on Mar 7, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

The health effects of obesity in children are greater than previously thought. This shows a recent study by American scientists. The research team led by Claire Friedemann examined in a comprehensive study, how the overweight in children affects on the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They analyze 63 studies with a total amount of children 49 220 in the aged from 5 to 15 years old. The researchers found, that overweight children have an increased by 30 to 40 percent risk of suffering from stroke or heart disease in adulthood. But not only in adulthood the consequences of infant obesity appear. The results of the study mainly alarmingly, because it showed that developed worrisome in childhood pathological affect on changes in the cardiovascular system. Obese children (with BMI between 25 and 30) had a significantly higher blood pressure and cholesterol...

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Heat treat muscle pain effectively

Posted by on Mar 5, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

For centuries, the positive effect of heat for the treatment of spasms and pain caused thereby is known. This heat can ease the pain in proper indications and proper use in three ways. The various forms of heat therapy are tested for many years. They have proven themselves both for the treatment of non-inflammatory diseases as well as to alleviate painful tension and cramps to colicky cramps, chronic joint and spinal problems as well as problems in the area of ligaments and tendons. But chronic inflammation such as sinus infections are among the fields of application of heat therapy. In acute inflammation and febrile processes other hand, prohibits the use of heat. For here, for example, result in appendicitis life-threatening complications heat. To avoid side effects or complications, type, duration and temperature of the application should therefore be discussed...

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Can Yoga reestablish the balance after a stroke?

Posted by on Mar 4, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Yoga strengthens the physical balance in healthy people. Whether patients after a stroke take benefit from the exercises? Now researchers from Indianapolis investigate this question. The body positions during Yoga practice strengthens the physical balance. Arlene Schmidt of the University of Indiana in Indianapolis wanted to find out, whether stroke patients, who have problems with the sense of balance, take benefit from yoga exercises. The workouts were conducted by a trained yoga therapist, who shows postures on the respective possibilities of patients and slowly increased temp of training. 37 patients with stroke trained in this way twice a week with Yoga figures, relaxation and meditation. The control group consisted of ten patients who had also suffered from stroke, but doesn’t performed yoga exercises, also were conducted, and instead of exercises just listened during the training times relaxing music. After...

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Correlation between breast cancer and lack of sleep

Posted by on Mar 1, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Lack of sleep may increase the risk of developing breast cancer. This is the result of a study by American researchers. Lack of sleep is associated with a variety of health risks. Whether lack of sleep increases the risk of breast cancer? This question now under investigation of a research team from Ohio. The researchers, led by the cancer specialist Prof. Dr. Cheryl Thompson interviewed 412 patients according to their average nightly sleep duration in the last two years, before the breast cancer diagnosis. Then they analyze certain tumor genes to determine how aggressive the cancer was and how high would be the chance of relapse after treatment. The scientists found that the breast cancer genes, a greater aggressiveness exhibited less, among women who slept six hours and that also increases the risk of relapse. The relationship between other...

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Are overweight people degraded?

Posted by on Feb 22, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Being overweight is unhealthy – everyone knows that. But that besides heart and blood vessels and can affect the brain power. According to the U.S. Data and Statistics, every second American citizen is overweight – with serious health consequences. Being overweight increases the risk for many diseases, such as hypertension, heart attack and diabetes. What many do not know: Even the brain is affected by the excess weight. Numerous studies have shown, that overweight people have very lower brain volume and decreased tissue density in the gray matter. Overweight thereby also increases the risk of dementia. How much obesity effects on the brain, has now a study confirm researchers. The scientists showed that with thicknesses significantly faster decline cognitive skills. For their study, the scientists have evaluate the data of 6,400 adults. The participants, who were aged at baseline...

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High blood pressure – the great public health problem

Posted by on Feb 20, 2016 in Health | 0 comments

Approximately every fourth American suffers: high blood pressure, also called hypertension. As the disease proceeds asymptomatic sometimes over very long time, many sufferers know nothing about it. Is precisely where the danger, because untreated can cause irreparable damage. The term blood pressure refers to the force generated by the blood to the arteries acts those vessels that carry blood away from the heart. Two data specified in the Unit of mmHg (millimeters mercury column), provide information about the arterial pressure: The upper “systolic” value indicates the pressure being exercised by the heart when it pumps blood into the circulation. The lower “diastolic” number on the other hand refers to the present in the vascular pressure. It is calculated between two contractions of the heart, that is, while the maximum slack vascular. At least this pressure are therefore exposed to...

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